
Pirate ship?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day Five-Thirty-Four - What's in a Name?

Good morning friends!  It's been brought to my attention that I should probably change the name of this blog from Unemployment 101 to anything else since after all, I'm not technically unemployed.  I'm self employed. It makes sense to change the name.  But it just seems like an unnecessary action to take.  If you know me, and most of you do, I don't take unnecessary actions.... EVER!  I barely take necessary actions. Nevertheless, let's kick around this name change idea.

It would be kind of fun to come up with a new name for the personal blog. But I'm not all that creative when it comes to titling things.  I recently finished writing a book and need to distribute a couple of copies to a few friends to preview before I send it off to publishers but after spending a year and a half writing it and sitting on it for the last 2 months, I am totally unable to title the darn thing.  Who would have thought that this would be the most difficult part of writing a book?  I probably just place way too much importance on a title.  But when I'm at Barnes & Noble browsing through the available romances, I look at two things, the title and the picture on the front.  If the title isn't worthy, nothing about the picture will make me even pick up the book to read the jacket or back.  Life is too short to read books with less than clever titles.  I want there to be wit and substance in the books I read even if they are just cheesy romances and the title should reflect that.

It's the same with a blog. Granted, when I came up with Unemployment 101, it was pretty spur of the moment and apparently wasn't the most original title ever.  I think there are several hundred blogs out there with the same title. (But the economy's fine, right Barack?)  It expressed what I needed for it to say.  This blog was originally created as a method of lighting a fire under myself.  On the day I started this, which was day 7 of my unemployment, I had already sat on my couch and read 5 trashy romance novels and done little else.  I needed something to make me accountable.  So I created a blog and each day I posted a task list of the things I needed to accomplish.  I was pretty good at it for a while.  But I have to say that the task list hasn't been updated in months now.  Even when I do post on this blog, I totally forget about it.  Currently, I keep my to do list in a spiral notebook.  The list du jours consists of 13 items that I must complete prior to my cruise night which is now less than 3 weeks away.  As of this moment, two of the 13 items have been marked off of the list.  One was marked off during the day yesterday and then added back on when Zazzle canceled my order because my artwork was incomplete.  It has since been re-done and marked off again. Maybe a good new name for this blog should be Holy CRAP! Who Knew Running a Business Was So Much Work?  A little wordy, right?  But again, it says what I need for it to say....

Most of the items on my to do list really should have already been completed.  But I only came up with the list yesterday.  That was when I realized with the assistance of the receptionist at my vets office that my cruise night is only three weeks away and I still hadn't even completed the order for the snail mail invitations much less addressed them and gotten them in the mail!  Yikes!!!!  You might be relieved to know that this is one of the two things I was able to mark off the list yesterday.  The invitations will be in my hot little hands in less than a week.  Door prizes have also been ordered.  That is the order that Zazzle kicked back.  Beyond that, the venue was settled on a few weeks ago and I am on their calendar.  And I've posted an invite on Facebook that I apparently need to re-post regularly so that people who don't live their lives on FB like a certain travel agent we all know and love does, will see it.  Again, Who Knew It Was This Complicated???  Maybe a good working title would be Complications because really, isn't that what it's all about?

I've been kicking this one around for a few weeks....  tell me what you think....  A Day In The Life of A Stay At Home Cat Mom.  I know!  It's still wordy.  But you have to admit it's clever.  I mean other cat people would be all over that blog.  But they would probably expect daily cat videos and photos.That's a pretty big commitment when you consider that I still have to do all of this travel agent stuff to make a living and someone's got to load cats into carriers and drive them to the vet on a pretty regular basis.  This stuff doesn't do itself!  Besides, that title would really lend itself to the unsubstantiated but spreading rumors that I have become one of those crazy cat ladies and I don't want that.

I think that regardless of the title that I eventually come up with, I'll always keep the day count as part of each individual post.  I like that because it sort of represents the day that everything changed.  I mean 535 days ago, I still worked at the employer who shall not be named and went to work everyday doing a job that I hated. But hey, they paid me pretty good money to do it so it wasn't like I was going to quit or anything. Then it all changed and I've been pretty darn happy for the last 534 days.  Okay, I have to meet a friend in an hour so that we can attend a cooking show together, so we'll get back together soon to figure out this title thing.  If you have suggestions, feel free to share.  But don't get your feelings hurt if I say "uh, NO!"

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