
Pirate ship?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day One-Sixty-Three - Just 4 Little Rules

Dad's surgery went very well yesterday.  After the surgery, the anesthesiologist inserted a nerve block (like an epidural) in his pelvic region above his left leg to prevent pain.  That was only supposed to last for about 24 hours so he will probably be feeling some pain today.  But yesterday, he was a pretty happy camper.  He does have a button he can push for pain meds.  Yesterday even when he had a spasm of pain he wouldn't press it, so I don't know how that will work.

I had not planned on writing on my blog while I was here.  But I had to come by Starbucks today and get my starting line up ready for fantasy football this morning anyway.  So, while I was sitting here finishing my coffee and scone, I thought, what the heck.  I just have to say that the things people will share with total strangers in a hospital waiting room are really extraordinary.  People, please use some discretion!  I just don't want to know some things about you or your relatives.

I think that it could be worse in Nacogdoches than in say a Dallas hospital waiting room.  Let's face it, most people in Dallas aren't actually from Texas anyway.  But people in small towns in Texas are just naturally friendly and I think many just assume that we all want to know what is going on with them.  It can be interesting to an extent.  But when you start sharing the really personal stuff, it makes some of us uncomfortable.  Also, when you start thinking about sharing these things with us, please put your teeth in.  I don't think it is too much to ask.

So, two rules, wear your teeth when talking to strangers in hospital waiting rooms and think about what you are going to say before you start sharing.  That's all.  Wait... one more... and I don't mean to be picky here,  but how about if everyone in the waiting room wears shoes?  Is that too demanding?  Because if it is, you can take your teeth out and I'll just put my earbuds in and divert my gaze so that the denture thing doesn't effect me.  But really, I'm going to have to insist that you put your shoes on. 

Okay, one more.... If you feel that you have to go everywhere with your General Foods International Coffee tin, don't insist that everyone else smells it before putting it in your coffee in the waiting room.  I have smelled french vanilla before, I really don't need to smell it from your coffee tin in a waiting room you stupid toothless wonder! 

So, four rules, discretion, teeth, shoes, no food smelling.... Got it?

Okay, I have to get to the hospital now.  You guys have a good day and I will try to be back in touch tomorrow if possible!

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