
Pirate ship?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Eight - Blog Topic Clearing House

I couldn't go to sleep last night.  I tossed and turned until 4 a.m. then I finally went to sleep.  That resulted in sleeping until 10:55 this morning.  So, it is pretty nice that when I cannot go to sleep, I still get sleep.  But I hate that I slept half of the day.

Good news!  I finished the knitting project yesterday.  I also finished all but one load of laundry.  It never rained at my house, but it was overcast all day resulting in a high temperature on my patio of 90 degrees!  I will be worthless for the next hour or so until I have enough caffeine in my body to function.  Then I will finish that laundry.

I started knitting a pair of socks last night.  I love knitting socks.  They are fun.  With socks you never get really bored with what you are knitting since they are small and you only knit one sock at a time.  By the time you get bored with ribbing the cuff, it is time to start the body of the sock.  Then you hardly do any of that before you have to start turning the heel which is usually the really challenging part.  Then before you know it you are decreasing for the toe.  If I really work at it, I bet I can finish the socks in a week.  Of course, I also thought I could finish the 6 loads of laundry yesterday so, don't bet on me.

Yesterday I washed a cat bed that I took to Nacogodoches with us.  I never took it out of the car while I was there since it isn't one that the cats have ever used much anyway.  I just took it because I thought it might help them to feel safe in the car.  The only time it usually gets used here at my house is in winter when it is laying in front of the fire place.  Then Jingle lays on top of it while the fire is lit and roasts.  While I was in Nacogdoches, Mom and I went shopping one day and took a little ice chest with cokes and water in it since we were going to be gone most of the day. Naturally, the little ice chest turned over in the back of my car and leaked water on the cat bed so, when I got home, I threw it in the laundry.  I took it out of the dryer yesterday and threw it in the living room floor and this happened almost immediately.

That is Shiner in there.  He slept inside of it for about an hour.  Then I guess he got hot and spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping on top of it.  Shiner never sleeps on or in a cat bed.  I guess with the relatively cool temperature of 90 degrees yesterday and the 78 degree temp in my house, he was chilled.  Plus it smelled like fabric softener and who can resist that?  If I could fit, I might have curled up in there myself!  He is such a sweety!

I talked to Mom last night.  They had a lot of wind and some rain there.  She said that so many dead trees fell with the wind that they were without electricity from 6 p.m. Tuesday night until about 6 a.m. Wednesday morning.  Mom and Dad have a generator so, they were able to run fans and the little window unit A/C that is in their laundry room, so sleeping in the living room, they were fine.  She said that one of their trees fell across the road so Dad had to get on the tractor once it stopped raining and push it off the road.  Apparently, when he left the house yesterday there were dozens of dead trees down along their road.

All of the dead trees from the drought are making me so sad.  It will be even sadder this winter when we get bad weather if they do not fall or are not cut down before then.  It sure will suck when they all start falling across roads and power lines around here.  There are several big dead trees in yards in my neighborhood.  If they fall and don't hit a house, it will be a miracle.  Surely the HOA's will make them cut the dead trees down soon.

Okay, apparently there wasn't enough swimming in the Olympics already because now they are swimming outside!  They are swimming 6 miles in a park in London.  You can't see in that water.  I don't like swimming in lakes.  It freaks me out to swim if I can't see what is going on below me.  Who would want to do that?  I don't get it.  They would have to give me a lot more than a medal when it was over to get me to do that.  This is exactly why I never water skied enough to get any good at it.  I didn't want to be in that creepy lake water that you couldn't see into any longer than I had to.

When I first got up there was some girl dancing with a hula-hoop on one of those gymnastics mats.  I guess it was her version of the ribbon thing that I saw a few days ago.  But I never saw this girl do any gymnastics she just carried a hula-hoop around and danced with it.  So lame!  It is not a sport if you could exchange the hula-hoop for a guy and be on Dancing With the Stars.

Oh, this swimming thing is called the women's marathon swim.  They had to swim for 2 hours.... straight.... they have feeding stations like in the the Tour de France only you are in the water and don't stop.  So, you swim on your back for a second, take a gulp of Gatorade and then throw the bottle in the water and take off again.  They are swimming in the Serpentine which I believe is in Hyde Park.  I wonder if the Brits are thinking "can't these foreign pigs find trashcans to throw their Gatorade bottles in?"  Oh, yay....  The men's marathon swim is tomorrow.  I can hardly wait.....  It certainly gives me incentive to be up and functioning earlier tomorrow so that I don't have to watch crazy people swim in dirty lake water in cold London again.

Okay, I have to get busy I can't take it anymore.  A group of Russian  women just walked out onto a gymnastics mat with balls under their arms.  I guess it is some form of synchronized gymnastic volleyball or something.  Oh, here's a shock, the announcer just said that none of the women have ever participated in the Olympics before..... Uuuuuummmmmm..... maybe because this is NOT A SPORT!  Talk to you tomorrow!

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