
Pirate ship?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day Two-Eighty-Nine - "D-Day"

"D-day" sounds very ominous, right?  But that is what I have to call it because I will be leaving for my cruise in about 48 hours, this is the last weekday before the cruise and I have plans for most of the day.  I do this to myself every time but I thought this time it would be different, because my circumstances are different.  But alas, I was obviously mistaken.

So, today I have to get a pedicure.  My travel buddy, Jenny is having some work done to her car, so I am picking her up at the car place right after lunch time and we are going to get pedis.  I know to some of you pedicures don't seem that earth shattering.  But if I don't get a pedicure before the cruise not only will a major tradition be broken, but I will also have very sad feet on the cruise and we all know that happy feet are good feet.

Obviously, a pedicure leads to a late lunch afterwards.  So, then we will go eat.  There is a new firewood grill pizza place right next to the good nail salon that I always go to just before a vacation. I am hoping we can go there.  The really cool thing is that you can bring your own bottle of wine, so that reduces the price of the late, almost-cruise-time-lunch.

So, if I get all of that done in a timely manner, I could get home by around 4 or 5 and start packing.  Yes, you read that right, START packing.  Here's the deal, I posted on one of the blogs last weekend, probably the travel blog, that I was going to have to shut down the travel stuff by 6 each night this week so that I could get cruise ready.  I did manage to shut down the travel stuff by 6 three nights this week.  However, there's this little thing called TV and I haven't been watching much of it and it needed my attention.  So, I have carried a lot of stuff to the guest room and the suitcase is up there.....  But nothing is packed, practically nothing has been checked off of my "To Do" list and I feel like a total slug.  By the way, just to make me feel like more of a slug, I spoke to my Mom on Sunday and she was already packed.

To make matters worse, yesterday I was carrying the trash out and walked past my car in the garage and glanced up at my cars windshield and noticed that the registration expired at the end of December.  Now, I'm sure that the great state of Texas sent me a renewal in the mail a month or two ago, but I don't recall seeing it.  So, I am going to have to dig that up this morning and drive my happy butt over to the license plate registration place and get that taken care of because I'm driving that car to Galveston on Sunday!  So, that is project #1 today.  After that, I need to stop off and get Mom some sunglass readers since she can't find any in Nacogdoches.  Then I have to stop by the pet store since I forgot to get a 7-day feeder for the fish tank.  All of that needs to be done by about 12:30 so that I can pick Jenny up at 12:45 and the fun can begin.

Then, post fun, this evening....  I will be forced to start packing.  I would like to work on that from 6 until 10 ideally.  I should be able to get most of my packing done in that time.  This is always a pretty tricky situation for me.  I tend to be somewhat of an overpacker so, I pack and then take things back out and then pack some more.  This process takes a while.  I mean to perfect it, you really need about a 12 hour period of time in which you can pack, take out, pack more, take more out until you finally hit the sweet spot.  That's why I want to work on it for 4 hours today.  That way I still have most of the day tomorrow, to repeat the process if I feel like it is necessary.  Additionally, my "To Do" list that I put together last weekend says that I needed to purchase two more tee shirts.  I didn't.  So, I'm hoping that packing tonight will answer the question of whether or not I really need the two tee shirts.  If I do, then when I go to the bank tomorrow I have to stop off somewhere and buy a couple of tees!!!!

Tomorrow will be another busy day.  Catfood has not been frozen yet, I need to clean house and I have to go to the bank and get cash to take with me.  Now of those three things, cleaning house might sound the most difficult and time consuming but you would be incorrect.  Freezing catfood is the worst job on the planet.  It wouldn't be so difficult without one Mr. Shiner B. Meyers.  The problem is that Shiner can hear a can of catfood being taken out of the cabinet from 1/2 a mile away and he makes a bee-line straight for the kitchen when he hears it.  I used to naively believe that I could just go ahead and feed him and then open the other cans of food for freezing while he ate.  But for some reason, the food I feed to him doesn't quite taste as good as normal when there are countless other cans being opened, cut in half and stored in individual ziplock bags.

Perhaps you are saying to yourself, Seriously????  She freezes canned catfood????  Yes, I do.  The vet put my cats on a canned food diet in April.  He felt they were getting too many carbs in their dry catfood that they munched on all day.  I told him that I like traveling and feeding canned food twice a day could be a problem because of that.  His suggestion was to feed them normally once each day and then to have portions of canned food frozen in individual ziplock bags to put on a separate dish for their second meal of the day while I am away.  That way, they can get both meals at the same time, but they won't eat the frozen food until it has thawed later in the day.  It is genius and works perfectly, except that now before I leave town each time, I spend time freezing catfood and fighting Shiner off the entire time.  Ahhh... the trials of preparing for vacation.

Anyway, I guess all of this is of minor concern when the end result will be 7 nights on Mariner of the Seas.  I can hardly wait to leave.  I'll check back in tomorrow to let you know how the packing is going.... or if I have started....  Have a happy Friday!

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