
Pirate ship?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day Three-Eleven - Movie Day!

I'm not a big movie person.  I am very particular about he type of movies I watch and so this limits my movie viewing considerably.  I'm one of those people who for some reason cannot watch anything sad in a movie without coming unglued.  If something sad happens in a movie, I lose it and cry uncontrollably.  The same thing could happen in real life, and I'll be somber but I'll totally keep it together.  I covered this phenomenon in this very blog a month or two ago when I talked about Disney movies.  I'm not sure what causes it.  But it is just a reality for me.

To take it a step further, I also am unable to watch anything scary or very suspenseful.  I have no idea what makes anyone think that scary movies are entertaining.  But I know people who can't wait to go to any Friday the 13th movie that comes out or any other cold blooded murderer movie - fest.  I went to one scary movie on a date when I was in high school.  I only went because I had really been wanting to go out with this boy for a very long time and it was what he wanted to go see.  Plus we lived in Bay City so there were only two movie choices on any given Saturday night.  I swore as I laid in bed that night unable to sleep because I was sure the people from the fog with the meat hooks would be invading my home to take me away at any moment, that no matter how cute any boy was, I would never make that mistake again.  I didn't.

I don't like paranormal stuff.  I think it is stupid.  I don't get the whole vampire thing and I don't see any point in expanding further on the topic.  It is just dumb.  I don't like going to children's movies no matter how cute and funny they are.  At some point all children's movies will make you cry if you are prone to that sort of thing and I am.  I defy you to get through The Sandlot without a single tear.  It can't be done....  I mean assuming that you are human and have a heart.  Dramas are just that.... dramatic.  When a person in your day to day life is full of drama, you try to avoid them.  So, why would you pay money to go to a movie whose genre tells up front that it will be full of drama?  It doesn't make sense.  

This leaves me with a limited number of choices when it comes to movies.  There is the romantic comedy which is my favorite.  After all, I'm a girl and there is nothing more girlie than a good rom-com starring people like Sandra Bullock, Hugh Grant, Ryan Reynolds and the like.  I used to like Meg Ryan movies until she went off the deep end with all the botox.  Now anytime I see her I just can't stop looking at her train wreck lips.  Who does that to themselves????  I am a huge Tom Hanks fan.  I can pretty much watch any movie regardless of the genre that he is in with the possible exception of Saving Private Ryan.  I have tried to watch it on three occasions and have never made it all the way through....  Just too bloody and sad.  I also like movies of intrigue.... like spy movies or murder mysteries as long as I don't have to see the blood and guts part of the mystery.  I like trying to figure out who did it.  I just don't want to see blood spurting across the movie screen to prove that it was actually done.  

This is why people say that Alfred Hitchcock was so great.  He never actually showed the violence, he showed the before, gave you some of the noise during and then showed you the results and left the rest to your imagination which he often said was much scarier than anything he could show the viewer on film.  I think this must be true, because I still consider Psycho to be the scariest movie ever.  I have only seen one Quentin Terrintino movie, Pulp Fiction.  I hated it.  I tried to get up and leave the movie theater but the person I had gone with threatened bodily injury if I left and if she was crazy enough to be entertained by that movie, she probably would have followed through.  I have never made the mistake of going to another of his movies and I avoid all of those cold blooded murder movies like that.  

I bring all of this up because last night I was up until 3 a.m. watching Bourne Supremacy.  I had never seen it before.  I had seen Bourne Identity when it first came out and enjoyed it.  But I just never made it to any of the other Bourne movies.  I'm fairly sure that I am the last person in America to have finally seen Bourne Supremacy, but if you happen to be behind me, watch it.  You will like it.  The problem that I face now is that when I watch a good movie, I immediately want to watch three more good movies.  So, now I am busily scanning the Directv channel guide looking for a good movie to watch.  I'm not having much luck.  But I haven't given up yet.  It makes it difficult to find the right movie when your selection is as narrowed as mine is by preferences.  But I won't give up.  It's kind of overcast and cool in Dallas today.... a perfect day to spend in front of the TV with a bowl full of popcorn and a big diet coke watching movie after movie.  Wish me luck!

Have a warm and cozy Saturday!

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