I know this because on any Monday through Friday, he will attempt to wake me up once or twice just a minute or two before the alarm goes off. It's like he is trying to warn me that in just a minute that obnoxious radio is going to come on if you don't wake up and turn it off quick! But once the alarm has gone off, he is perfectly happy with looking over at me with that little "told you so" look on his face and curling up next to me and going back to sleep.
Saturday's are a whole different story. On Saturday, he doesn't attempt to wake me up before the normal alarm time, I guess because he knows it isn't going to go off anyway. But about 10 minutes after it would have gone off on a weekday, he decides I am a slug and he can't allow me to waste a Saturday. So, he begins meowing, walking across my face taking care to step on my closed eye, jumping up on the dresser in search of jewelry that he can knock onto the floor and so on until I can't stand it anymore. When I finally get up and go downstairs to feed him, it is always shocking to me that he wasn't actually hungry yet. He'll eat a few bites and walk away saving the rest for an hour later when he is really ready to eat.
There is nothing in particular that he wants downstairs, with the possible exception of me, wide awake. This is what he looks like right now.....
Now, tomorrow I want to go to church. I would like to go to an early church service you know, just so that I can get my day started at a decent time. So, that means, that my alarm will go off tomorrow and as soon as it does Jingle will curl back up next to me and let me go back to sleep. It's like he does all of this just to drive me insane.
On Monday through Friday mornings when I am writing the travel blog, he is constantly coming up behind me and whining to get my attention. When he gets my attention, he won't tell me what he wants. Sometimes if he wants to go out to the garage he will let me know in his oh, so subtle way with the tilting of a picture hanging on the wall and then running to the garage door. But usually he just whines for no apparent reason. If I show him his food, he gives me a look that clearly says, "I don't what that swill, you idiot!". If I re-fill his water dish with fresh water, he throws his head back as if I have offended him. If I go to the patio door to see if he wants to go out with Shiner, he gives me the "what do you think I am, a CAT?" look. He wants nothing other to to make sure that his presence is known. As you read those quotes, I hope you did it in the voice of Stewie from Family Guy, because in my head, that is what Jingle would sound like if he could actually speak. So, if you want to go back and re-read them in Stewie's voice, I'll wait. Come to think of it, look at this picture of Stewie and look back up at Jingle.... They sort of have the same evil, I'm taking the world over and you will be my first subject, look on their faces..... Coincidence? I think not.
Sorry, went off on a tangent there. Back to the topic at hand....
None of these things happen on Saturday when I don't need to write the travel blog. Nope on Saturday, he just sits there on the couch and stairs at me in that little trance. Like he is contemplating his next method of torture. Well, my friend I am onto you. I know what you are doing. I know you're sneaky little tricks. I know that behind that cute furry little exterior you are really a pint sized Dr. Evil bent on taking the world over and making all humans bow to your intelligence. Bwaahhahahahaha! Too bad you don't have thumbs and need me to assist in making each of your moves.

Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Sherie Alvarez!!!!!
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