
Pirate ship?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day Three-Twenty-Five - Going to the Farm!

This is going to be short and sweet this morning.  My friend Jenny and I are heading out to East Texas today for a visit to a Daffodil Farm.  I've never spent much time at a Daffodil Farm.  So, I suppose we'll see how this goes.  Basically, when she presented the idea to me, I was just intrigued by what a 900 acre Daffodil Farm would involve.  So, we will find out today.

Their website says that the flowers start blooming in mid-February.  So, hopefully, it is mid-February enough on February 23rd.  If not, I figure we can always have lunch and then stop at Blue Moon before coming back home.  Either way it gets me out of this house for an entire Saturday and for me that is the real goal.

As many of you may have heard, yesterday was National Margarita Day.  I celebrated with friends at a Mexican restaurant that opened in Plano several months ago.  Strangely enough, nobody at our table drank margaritas.  I just don't get into margaritas anymore.  They have become too tart for me.  I mean, I don't think that Maragritas are anymore tart than they ever were.  So, I must have changed in some way.  Is that a sign of age?  Do things become more tart as you age?  Because lately, everything seems super tart to me.  I think there must be some correlation.  The closer you get to 50 the more bitter a lemon becomes.  So that if you eat a lemon on your 50th birthday, your face screws up into such a grimace that you never recover.  That's probably why old people always look kinda pissed off.  They aren't really pissed off.  They just ate a lemon on their 50th birthday.  All this time I thought they were just mad that they were getting so old.

Anyway to celebrate National Margarita Day yesterday, we had Mojitos.  I love Mojitos.  Mint in any drink just makes it better.  I think this is part of the reason I love the Kentucky Derby so much.  Sure, I like horses and I love to watch horse racing.  But throw in a big batch of Mint Juleps and about 5 hours later somebody is going to have to pick me up off of the floor... maybe with a spoon.

I had a Kentucky Derby party a few years ago.  It was a failure.  I am not much good at throwing parties.  Don't get me wrong.  I have all the stuff you would want at a party, too much food and way too much alcohol.  But for some reason when I have a party, all of the people who said they would be here don't show up.  So, at this one, only women showed up.  The only two men present were my dad and nephew so they sat out on the patio the entire time.  So, my parties always turn into the parties Mary Richards used to have on the Mary Tyler Moore show.  She'd make big plans and get help from Rhoda and then 4 people would show up and when they got there Ted would have some big problem and would cry the entire time or something.  Yep....  If I was tall and leggy and had a great apartment in Minneapolis, I could BE Mary Richards.

So, at my party I had Mint Juleps and they were a hit.  We all wore hats because, you know, it was the Kentucky Derby and that's what you do.  I muddled mint all day long and we went through a lot of bourbon.  It was fun even if there were no men other than my relatives within 10 miles of my house.  My horses didn't win that day.  But they rarely do.  I just like feeling like I am a part of what is going on at the Kentucky Derby.  So each year around May 1st I buy a big batch of mint.  I've tried growing it before but I can't seem to keep it from dieing.  I'm not sure what I do wrong.  I figure as far as ingredients in a Mint Julep go, it is probably the least expensive anyway so until I figure out how to grow bourbon, there is really no point in getting all caught up in the mint anyway.

I'll let you know how the daffodil farming goes today.  Maybe tomorrow, I'll have a picture or two of some blooms.  Have a great Saturday!

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