
Pirate ship?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day Eighty-Five - "Let's Call It Dallas!"

I wonder what made anyone ever decide to settle in the Dallas area back in the old days.  Supposedly, they settled this area because of the Trinity River but it must have been in the late fall when they got here.  I am certain that they didn't show up here in late June when it was 106 degrees with no breeze and not a cloud in the sky and think "Ahhhh.... this is nice, let's call it Dallas!"  They also probably didn't show up in late January when an ice storm was just getting started and think "Why this is practically like heaven and the covered wagon only slid off the trail 10 times before we stopped.  I think we should call this place Dallas!"  I also doubt the they arrived in late April when the cottonwood is floating around in the air and said "Cough!  Wheeze!  I can barely breath, but that white stuff floating around is pretty.... let's call this place Dallas!"  Nope... I think they definitely arrived in the fall.  Then when winter arrived, they broke up all of the wagons and used them for firewood because they were freaking freezing to death!!!!  So, by the time spring arrived with the miserable cottonwood, they couldn't have left if they had wanted to.  And believe me by the end of June....  they wanted to.  Please ignore my hallucinations.

Even Jingle is hot now.  At least I assume that is why he has been whining since 5:45 a.m.  He hasn't been in his new little cat magnet bed that is supposed to keep him warm since 3 p.m. yesterday.  So that has been my biggest clue that he is becoming miserable.  I, on the other hand, am not becoming miserable at all.  I got there yesterday around noon.

The A/C guy is supposed to be here today sometime between 9 and 5 with a call 30 minutes before he arrives.  Meanwhile the plumber for the sink in the master bath is supposed to be here between noon and 4.  I am contemplating calling the plumber and moving that appointment to tomorrow.  Yesterday afternoon, it was hotter in my master bathroom than it was outside since it is upstairs and on the west side of the house.  If he got here before the A/C was repaired he could have a heat stroke in my bathroom and then there would be that mess to deal with on top of everything else.

So, yesterday around noon, I remembered that I had a free night available to me on and so I started shopping for hotel rooms on line.  I found plenty but then I talked myself out of going.  The biggest reason that I talked myself out of it was that I was planning on taking the cats and taking cats anywhere is such a huge production.  When Jingle was an only cat it wasn't as big of a deal to check into a hotel with him.  I did it on a couple of occasions.  Don't get me wrong, it was a big deal, but not AS big of a deal.  The last time I checked into a hotel with Jingle, I needed a cart just for Jingle and his stuff.  Then I had to go back downstairs and get my little overnight bag.

It's not like he is traveling with a lot of special stuff.  But cat litter and litter boxes are heavy!  I don't feel like I can just carry a big litter box already filled with cat litter in.  I mean an open litter box is kind of gross even if it has no actual poo in it yet.  Just the thought of it can gross out anyone on an elevator.  So, here is what I would have had to carry into a hotel last night just for the cats:

Empty Litter Box
Cat Litter
Cat Food
Food Bowls
Water Bowl
Jingle's Bed
Jingle in a Carrier
Shiner in a Carrier

Meanwhile, everything I needed for me would have been in a backpack with tons of room to spare.  So, then around 7 last night, I started thinking it should be cooling down in the house now.  The cats have survived this long in the heat along with me.  They could survive the night if I left them here.  So, I almost talked myself into leaving.  But then I started watching a show on the DVR and I looked to see what was on TV last night.  I am behind on most of the shows I watch so I needed to watch a previously recorded one before I could watch last nights broadcast.  That is ultimately what kept me from leaving.  Pathetic, right?

At about 11, I decided I was a total idiot and should have gone.  But then, I thought, I would have to get dressed and by the time I got to a hotel it would be midnight and I had to be back at the house and dressed by 9 to wait for the A/C guy.  So, why waste a free night in a hotel?  Maybe after all of this is over, I can take that free night and go to Galveston or something.  There is one thing that I can tell you for sure, if the A/C is not fixed today, tonight I will go to a hotel even if it means packing up my entire household.  

Here is something exciting.  I just looked over at my atomic clock.  It has the inside and outside temperature on it.  Currently, it is 86.9 degrees in my house and 86.8 degrees outside.  That is downstairs of course.  Upstairs it is about 10 degrees warmer.  I guess I'll run upstairs and open some windows to let some hot air out.  Be right back.  Ugh!  It is miserable up there!

Well, I am going to go hop in a cold shower just to stop the incessant whining for a few minutes.  While I am in the shower I will probably contemplate what the settlers who first decided to move to lovely places like Tombstone were thinking.  Thanks to everyone who offered to let me and the cats come over last night.  We survived just fine here with only a few major bouts of whining from either me or Jingle.  

Stay cool but not thirsty my friends!

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