
Pirate ship?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day Seventy-Six - The Most Important Factor in a Job Hunt

This is crazy!  I am writing on my blog before 7 a.m.!!!!  I don't really know what has gotten into me except that I have really started thinking a lot lately about the fact that I have to find a job and it stresses me out to think that I might have to go back to doing something that I hate.  Because this is all that I have thought about in the last several days, I am now dreaming about it.

The dream that woke me up this morning was one where I had gone to New York for an interview.  There were more than 20 people that had traveled to NYC for this interview and they were taking us all around together as a group like a reality show.  They took us to lunch and told us how expensive everything was right down to the Coke that we were drinking.  Then we all had to get on a subway and go to a couple of different apartments that I guess workers at this company lived in.  One of them was a 600 square foot studio and her monthly rent was more than the job we were interviewing for paid monthly.  The other one was a really nice 2 bedroom apartment that the person was moving out of because it was "too cramped" and she wouldn't even tell us how much it was a month.

As we were going around NYC, it was snowing and miserable.  And all I could think was that if I moved there, I would have to sell ET. :-(  (In case you don't already know, ET is what I call my car.)  When I got back home, my mom was at my house and wanted to know why I didn't want the job.  My response was "Do you mean besides the fact that it was snowing in June????"  That's what woke me up.  I have said for the last 6 months that I couldn't move anyplace north of Dallas.  The fact that me, my two cats and a roommate would all have to live in a 600 square foot apartment in order for me to be able to afford rent wasn't the problem in my mind.  The problem was that I was going to be cold.

I can't even express how much I hate cold weather.  I would do anything to be in a place where the temperature never drops below 50 degrees at night.  If all nights were 65 degrees and all days were 85 degrees, that would be heaven for me.  I've never understood the people who crave a changing of the seasons.  What is that all about?  I suppose orange leaves are pretty.  But I can see that in pictures.  I don't actually need to experience it.  I remember when I was a kid how great it was when it snowed.  But for me snow stopped being great when I was about 25.  Now, when it snows I just get angry.  Rain doesn't really bother me too much.  I think I could live in a place where it rains a lot... as long as it is warm when it rains.

Over the weekend, I was talking to my Dad who went fishing with my brother and cousin in Galveston last week.  He was talking about sitting at my aunt and uncle's house on the porch where the wind was blowing and looking out at the water.  He said they were complaining that the wind wouldn't stop at the same time he was thinking about how nice the wind was.  I'm looking at the 10 day weather forecast in Galveston.  In the next 10 days the temperature is expected to reach 90 twice.  On those two days, the forecasted high is exactly 90 degrees.  Beyond that it will be in the 80's everyday.  The nightly lows will be between 79 and 81 each night.  I could live like that.  I would like to live in a place where that is the type of weather you complain about.

Where I live, last week I had marble to ping pong ball sized hail at my house.  A few miles down the road it was baseball sized.  Every place I have gone in the last few days around here I have seen cars covered with tarps because they have holes in them from hail!  When the weather makes holes in your car, that is a problem.  The 10 day forecast for Dallas is highs of 95 to 100 everyday except today.  Even I have to admit that this is a little too hot. There is nothing healthy about 100 degrees.  As humans, we are sick when our body temperature is that high.  The air conditioner in my house sort of gives up when it gets that hot outside.  Don't get me wrong, it runs all day long.  It just never actually gets the house cool.

I went to San Diego once.  It was in April and when I left Dallas the daily highs for the previous week had been in the 70's and 80's.  When I got to San Diego, it was cold!  The temp was in the 50's.  That afternoon, it started raining and it was VERY COLD!  Everywhere I went for 4 days people would greet you by saying "the weather is NEVER like this here!"  Every time I heard that I thought, really????  because it seems to be "like this" right now......  But I was lead to believe that the temperature there is almost always perfect.  My point is, wouldn't it be nice to live in a place where when the temperature drops into the 50's and it rains people go nuts and greet complete strangers by saying "the weather is NEVER like this here!"?  I think that would be really nice.

The best thing about living in a place where the weather was always perfect would be that I could leave the doors and windows open all of the time which would mean that Jingle wouldn't walk around the house meowing all of the time.  Can you imagine how miserable life would be if I had to live in a place like North Dakota with Jingle cooped up in the house all winter?  I can't even describe to you how miserable life would be.  One of my favorite shows to watch on TV is House Hunters International.  Sometimes when they are shopping for a house in the Caribbean, the house will have pocket glass doors onto a deck, patio or balcony.  In a perfect world, I would live in a place with pocket glass doors.  That would be the ultimate luxury.

Have a great day, I think I am going to get on line and see if the city of George Town, Grand Cayman needs a meter reader or dog catcher.

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