
Pirate ship?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day Ninety-Five - The Woes of Willow Greene Condos

Apparently at this time of year, you cannot get those little portable air conditioners that don't have to vent through a window in Dallas because everyone else wants one.  I did get a water cooler thing though.  If you sit right in front of it, it can almost make you down right cold.  It is on rollers....  I'm trying to figure out if I can hook it up to something so that it will just follow me around the house.  Last night I got a great nights sleep in front of it.  You really can't get further than about 3 feet away from it though.  To give you an idea of how it works as far as the room goes, it is currently 85 degrees outside and 87 degrees 6 feet away from this cooler.  But my arm that it is hitting is cold.  So it doesn't cool the room, but it does cool what is directly in front of it.  Jingle and Shiner love it!

Last night while I was laying on the couch trying to go to sleep I was thinking about all of the people with power outages in the north who are experiencing 105 degree days and can't even turn on a fan or go to a hotel.  I don't know if I could make it.  Before I got this water cooler I was semi-sleeping in front of 3 fans and I say semi-sleeping because not much sleep took place.  Ugh!  I'll take a simple air conditioner breakdown any day over a total power failure.

The air conditioner guy is supposed to come back out today sometime and get this thing working.  I'll believe it when I see it.  He was very nice, but when he kept saying tomorrow, I kept thinking, does he realize that tomorrow is Saturday?  I decided that I wasn't going to remind him and then maybe he would feel obligated to come back out today since he had said he would.  Well, I feel bad now.  As I typed that sentence he knocked on the door.  He is outside working now.  Bless his heart!!!!!

So, yesterday after I finished working on the blog, I went upstairs for my ice cold shower, the nicest part of my day yesterday, and the windows were open upstairs.  I kept hearing water splashing like cars were driving through water.  This was unusual since I don't normally get much traffic in the parking lot near my house and it hasn't rained in more than a week.  Sometimes the sprinklers over do things, but that is usually in the middle of the night.  Since it was 9:00 a.m. I thought the sound of water and a lot of cars driving through it was strange.  So I looked outside and about 4 inches of muddy water was flowing down the alley.  I went outside and it was coming down another alley south of my unit and spreading out into three alleys on this end of the complex before making it's way to the creek.  It turns out that a water main had busted near the pool and the city was trying to stop the water.  Fortunately, the didn't get the water turned off until after my shower.

They closed off that entire end of the complex to work on it.  The water was turned off most of the day yesterday and last night after they finished, they had a street sweeper out here cleaning the mud up until nearly midnight.  For most of the people in the complex I am sure that the street sweeper was not a bother.  But if you are trying to sleep with all the windows open and you live on a corner, it sucks!  At first I thought it was a mosquito fogger and I was having a little trouble trying to decide if I would rather just get poisoned or if it was worth running through the house closing windows.  I don't mind telling you that at 10 last night after sitting here in 90+ degrees all day, I was a little too drained to run anywhere.  So, I was relieved when I figured out that it was a street sweeper and if some of the dust made it's way into the house, it would not be the only dust in here.

So, now the water main is repaired, my air conditioner will hopefully be in working order again very soon and maybe I will be able to cook something today.  Things are looking up for me.  For the last two days all I have eaten is cheese and crackers because it is too hot to put anything else together in this house and I am too sweaty to go out in public.  I thought about ordering pizza last night, but it just sounded HOT!  By the way, I think it is very strange that Pizza Hut delivery has no salads on their menu.  Yesterday I shelled the peas that I brought back from Nacogdoches on Thursday.  So, maybe I will put them in the slow cooker in a few minutes.

It sounds like he is almost finished working on the compressor.  So I should go now.  I'll let you know tomorrow if the temperature in my house is below 85 degrees!!!!  Think good thoughts!

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