
Pirate ship?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day Ninty - Oy Vey!

Sorry, I didn't post yesterday, but I decided to give myself the day off.  Not that I won't get plenty of days off this week with the holiday.  But it was Sunday and I was tired and wanted to veg in my bedroom all day while doing laundry.  So, I did.

Shiner currently has a worm.  He believes that all living creatures exist solely for his amusement, including me and Jingle.  In his mind, I do have three other purposes besides keeping him amused, they are in order of importance, feeding him, opening the door so that he can go outside to catch other critters, and scooping his litter box.  The litter box thing slides in last simply because he is fairly rugged and I believe that he thinks he could do without that service that I perform for him for a while if necessary.  Although, if I stopped doing it, he would no doubt begin to protest pretty quickly.

The worm that he has is one of those grub worm looking things that turns into a butterfly.  This poor little fellow is never going to get his wings.  Shiner has been throwing it up in the air to try to give it a head start on flying for at least 30 minutes.  I think the biggest issue if you are the worm though, is having your fall broken by a cats teeth.  I could be wrong.  Perhaps it would be worse not having your fall broken at all.

Now, this is the problem with cats and their living "toys"....  Shiner came inside a few minutes ago.  Up to that point he was trying to teach his wannabe butterfly how to fly on the patio.  When he came inside, I looked and didn't see anything hanging out of his mouth, but apparently he snuck it past me, because now he has completely lost interest in being outside or in playing with anything and is desperately trying to become smaller so that he can squeeze under the couch which tells me there is a worm under my couch.  So, now my day will be spent moving furniture and cleaning under it until I find a stupid worm.  Ugh!

While Shiner was playing with the worm, Jingle sat by and watched.  It kept him entertained fairly well.  I guess he was thinking "at least he isn't annoying me"..... but now that the worm has gone missing, it has become Jingle time.  He just threw a little fit forcing me to let him out into the garage.  Hopefully, he does not bring anything back in with him.

Yesterday, when I spent the afternoon upstairs, they both stayed up there with me all day.  I guess after a while they got bored so they started chasing one another.  This is something that usually happens when I am either in bed at night or in the kitchen working and can't give them my undivided attention.  It is a shame that they usually only do it when I am busy or asleep because it is so much fun to watch.  In order for this game to really get going, Jingle has to initiate.  Otherwise, he acts like Shiner is attacking him and throws a fit and then nobody is happy.  Yesterday, it started out with Shiner going to the litter box.  While he was gone, Jingle got up and went and hid by the bathroom door and waited for Shiner to come back into the bedroom.  When Shiner came into the bedroom, Jingle pounced at him and the chase was on.

When they really get going like that, it can last for 30 minutes or so.  Yesterday they kept me entertained for at least that long.  They run down the stairs so fast I cringe because I don't know how they keep from falling.  Let's face it, I'm not that nimble.  But I think the stairs are their favorite part of the chase.  If you are downstairs when they start running they sound like a small heard of elephants running down the hall upstairs and then to the staircase.  It cracks me up everytime.

When my mom and dad come for a visit they always comment on it.  Since it normally happens at night while I am sleeping and I could sleep through a real heard of elephants racing down my hallway, I don't normally hear it.  But my parents hear it everytime.  They don't complain about it, apparently, it makes them laugh out loud.  There is just nothing better for the soul than happy pets.

I better get busy now, I've got to get a worm out from under my couch.

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