
Pirate ship?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day Forty-Two - Am I a Slug?

So, for the last 30 years I worked at least 5 days a week.  There were times over that span when I worked 7 days a week.  On those work days, I sat an alarm, got out of bed, got dressed and just went to work without thinking about how tired I might be or complaining overly much, at least not that most people heard.   (I have to admit that I haven't IM'd a single person in the last 42 days saying "This job SUCKS!")  But in the last month or two, things have changed.  If I don't sleep for at least 8 hours I am whiny all day long!!!!  This morning Jingle woke me up at 9 a.m.  I mean, it wasn't 3 or 4 a.m., it was 9!  And the way I reacted, you would have thought I had been deprived of water after 6 weeks in the Sahara!

I'm not sure why I am suddenly able to sleep for 10 or 12 hours at a time.  But last night only getting 8 hours was a real problem for me.  When I was working, I considered it a really good night if I was able to sleep for 7 hours.  But most nights I got more like 5 or 6.  Maybe my body is just making up for 30 years of sleep deprivation.

Yesterday I did much better on my diet than the day before.  I think that walking has added benefits besides just getting a little exercise.  When I get any form of exercise, it makes me think about everything I eat that day. So, that is a good thing.  I am going to finish my blog today before I head out for my walk.  I am doing that because I am still on my first cup of coffee and I really don't function before the 3rd.  Besides, Jingle hasn't finished yelling at me yet and I wouldn't want to take that away from him.  I wish I knew what he was so unhappy about this morning.  I mean, I'm the one who is sleep deprived.  He slept as long as he wanted to last night.

I made my Weight Watchers Pan-Seared Salmon Salad with Szechuan Dressing for dinner last night.  It was really yummy.  Plus it is easy to make.  I will be eating more of it today for lunch.  I also think I might dig through my WW cookbooks and find a recipe for something sweet to make today.  I was craving something sweet yesterday which resulted in going through a couple of Skinny Cow treats and I would really rather have something else.  While I love SC, it makes me feel more like a slug for some reason when I eat it.  Maybe because it reminds me that I am really overweight and need to stop eating all of the junk.

I finally really started working on the Hawaii photo book yesterday.  I worked on it for several hours.  Going back through all of those pictures reminded me of what a really great time we had.  Right after we got back, I felt a little let down by the trip.  I think I had just built Hawaii up in my mind so much over the years that it could never have lived up to my expectations.  But looking back after eight months have passed, it really was a terrific trip.  It also reminded me that although I was overweight then also, I was in much better shape then.  We did manage the hikes up Makapu'u Point and Diamondhead.  We huffed and puffed, but we did it.  I don't think I could get halfway up Diamondhead today.  Yesterday I barely walked 20 minutes on a flat cement walking trail outside my front door without passing out.  It is amazing how quickly you can go from semi-decent shape where you have some endurance to nothing!  The truly sad thing is that it will take me twice as long to get back to that level as it took me to get out of it.

This photo book is going to be out of control.  The other ones I have done in the past each only have the 20 pages that you get before you start getting charged extra.  After 20 pages there is a charge per page which seems like it is about $2.50, I haven't done the math, its just a guesstamate.  So far, this book is already over 30 pages and I still have three more days that are not even in it yet.  I looked back through what I have already done on it last night and could not find a single thing that I would pull out.  I guess that is a testament to what a good time we really had.

Do people really watch Wendy Williams?  Who watches that crap?  I have the same question about The View.  My TV is on in the background right now.  I normally don't turn it on after 9 a.m. because all of the stuff on during the day is crap.  But I'm not sure where the remote control is right now so I'm sort of being held hostage by Wendy Williams.  I just turned around and looked at her.  I swear, I think she is a man in drag!!!!  Don't other people see this?  She really needs a new wig.

I do not understand daytime TV.  It is all garbage now.  It is nothing like it was when I was in high school and college.  Then I couldn't wait for a day to stay at home and watch TV.  Now I would rather cut off my left big toe than watch it.  It is such torture!  And who in the HELL is Perez Hilton and how did this person become famous?????  I don't understand.  If people would stop watching this junk we would all be better off.  Back in the day we watched quality daytime programming like All My Children, One Life to Live and General Hospital.  I don't even know if those shows are still on but if they are I am sure that Tad, Erica, Bo, Vicky, Asa, Luke, Laura and Bobbi are all still up to the same stuff.

I guess I better go eat my yogurt and banana so that I can go walk.  I promise that I will bring something a little more interesting to the table tomorrow.  Have a great Tuesday!

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