
Pirate ship?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day Thirty - Mas Cerveza Por Favor

You may have assumed from the title, that this post would be all about me celebrating Cinco de Mayo in a huge way.  Probably, not so much.  But I thought it would get your attention.

I had so much fun yesterday.  I got my returns done at Target before lunchtime and also did a return at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  None of that was the fun part.  Now we enter the fun part.  -  Then I met Katherine for lunch.  That was great!  When I left lunch, I ran by Best Buy to meet Jenny since she had to pick up something from there.  And then we went and got pedis, went to paint pottery and then had dinner at Isabella's.  It was such a fun day.  I think that my birthday meals are officially over now.  I cannot think of another person who might possibly take me out for another meal due to my 49th birthday.  Although, this has been dragging on so long, that we might not be too far away from the birthday lunches and dinners for next year starting up. It's not that anybody was putting me off, there were just so many people BEGGING to take me out!!!!  Apparently, you have to get in line early if you want to be seen with me. :-)

I think I have also used up all of the gift certificates, coupons and discounts that I get in my email for my birthday.  I love those since they enable me to buy things for myself that other people wouldn't think I would ever want.  I once tried this brilliant scam that didn't work but if it had, it would have been genius.  You know when you sign up for a store's or restaurant's frequent shopper program and they ask for your birthday?  I used to put a different month on all of them.  I thought it would be so much better that way because then I would get those coupons all year long and they wouldn't all get dumped on me in the same month and make me run out of fun money.  The problem I discovered is that a lot of them, (the restaurants especially) check your ID which has your real birthday on it.  It's not that I was trying to rip anyone off.  They want me to come in or they wouldn't send me the coupon.  There just aren't enough hours in April to hit them all, so why not spread it around?

I am pretty upset with myself this morning.  I have a LOT to do in preparation for the trip to Arkansas but I slept until 10:00!  So, now I am already behind the 8 ball.  Ugh!  Hopefully, traveling with mom and dad for several days will at least get me back to a normal sleep schedule.  This staying up until 3 a.m. and then sleeping half of the day isn't working out for me.  I feel like an even bigger slug than I actually am when I do that.

I really dread packing.  It isn't that the packing process is bad so much as constantly dragging stowaway cats out of my suitcase so that I can put something else in.  Shiner just thinks it is a fun game.  But Jingle gets serious about it.  When he was a kitten he always went everywhere with me.  When the weather was cool, he even went to the grocery store with me and waited in the car.  He loved riding in the car like dogs do.  I could open the tailgate of my old CR-V and say "load up" and he would jump in!  He went to my mom and dad's house so many times that when we got there he would just jump out, go straight to the back door and head straight for the spot where I put his litter box when we were there.  Then mom and dad got Regis.  I love me some Regis, but he is one of those giant manly cats who could eat Jingle for breakfast and wash him down with a little sip of Shiner.  So, Jingle had to quit going to mom and dad's with me.  Then one day at Kroger, Jingle tried to make a getaway that kind of scared me, so he quit going to the grocery store.  Now he is a home cat.  He still likes sitting in the car in the garage, but if I start it up he assumes we are going to the vet and freaks out!

So, this weekend, I will be packing clothes and "unpacking" cats between getting other things ready for my trip.  I still have a tour to book and a few other Arkansas things to look into.  I also will be making another trip to Best Buy to pick up a little surprise that I am not discussing with anyone yet.  (Keep quiet Jenny!)

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!  Adios mis amigos!

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