
Pirate ship?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day Twenty-Eight - Reality TV for Cats

Good Morning!  Actually, by the time I get this post published it will probably be afternoon.  So, Good Afternoon.  But be aware that I am only changing my salutation due to the fact that I have very few, if any, readers on the west coast.  If I thought there were a lot of people in the Pacific time zone and even further west reading this, I would allow them to go on believing that I am a real "go-getter" rising with the roosters and all that.  I wonder how I could go about recruiting blog followers in Hawaii just so that I would feel better about posting so late......

A week or so ago I told you about Jingle's communication skills, how he meows at me and moves wall hangings in order to get me to do whatever it is that he wants.  In the past, the things that he has wanted were fairly simple like turning the bathroom sink faucet on to a drip so that he can have the freshest water possible, or scooping his litter box more than once in 24 hours (apparently, he feels that Shiner is a slob and he really cannot tolerate that they share litter boxes).  But in the last week he has a new thing that he wants me to do for him.  Now, when he moves the collage frame and meows he generally wants me to open the window in the living room so that he can look out at the birds and squirrels in the big oak tree without a piece of glass between them.

Obviously, the piece of glass between him and the "wildlife" is a huge impairment  Even when I open the window there is still a screen between him and the squirrel or bird in question.  But still, having the window open satisfies him.  Once it is open he will sit and look out the window for hours.  I have come to the conclusion that it is reality tv for cats.  I think Shiner has ADHD and cannot sit and stare at one thing that long.  But there are times when even he rushes to the window to look out along with Jingle.  But he quickly looses interest.  I think when he rushes to the window that the squirrels must be having a squabble or something.

Last night I was watching Survivor and America's Next Top Model because I, like Jingle, am addicted to reality tv.  While I was watching it, I was also on the computer with my back to the tv at times.  Then something good would happen and I would have turn around to rewind the DVR and watch it.  Very quickly, I would lose interest again and turn back around to the computer.  So, here is what I figure is going on with the squirrels and birds outside of my living room window.....

When I open the window, they are just finishing up with scenes from the last episode and reminding the cats of who was eliminated.  We'll say in this example that they are watching squirrels which translates to Survivor (we all know that birds would be ANTM - you know how flashy Tyra is....)  So, ten minutes after the window is opened, the "contestants" get tree mail.  They have to prepare for a challenge.  They go back to the squirrel nest and tell the others...  "WE GOT TREE MAIL!!!!!!"  So all the other squirrels gather around right in front of my living room window and discuss how this challenge might go.  Then they head to the challenge site.  This is when Shiner suddenly gets interested.  So, he comes running in from the patio and stands on his hind legs with his front paws on the "cat seat" where Jingle is sitting so that he can see too.

At this point, the squirrel host, their version of Jeff Probst enters the viewing area.  He explains the challenge to the squirrels.  Jingle and Shiner sort of half listen since they are still jockying for the best viewing spot.  Since this is only a reward challenge and not an immunity challenge, Jingle and Shiner don't get all that excited.  But the squirrels are chattering.  Sometimes, I think it must be a puzzle challenge because Shiner loses interest and goes back to the patio very quickly.  After all, who wants to watch a bunch of "brainiac" squirrels trying to solve a puzzle.  Once the reward challenge is complete and the squirrels are off on their reward, even Jingle loses interest.  Once the winners leave for their reward, the losers who are left behind generally just sulk and let's face it, the squirrels this season are too stupid to try to blindside the head squirrel anyway.

But then the squirrel chatter starts up again and they are getting ready for an immunity challenge.  Shiner sits right along side of Jingle for this one.  The squirrels go "nuts" during their competition chattering at one another and occasionally, even making eye contact with Jingle and Shiner to chatter at them.  So, I wonder, are they speaking some sort of dialect that the cats semi-understand.  Because the cats chatter back!  Do my cats speak squirrel?

Anyway, finally the challenge is over.  One of the squirrels, never the one that the cats want, gets immunity.  And at tribal council squirrely Jeff Probst grills the squirrels about who they are out to get.  The voting takes place and the cats start yelling at the window because the stupid squirrels vote off the wrong one!  This happens in my house on a daily basis.  I think it is really unfair, because I only get to see one episode a week in my language.  Cats have it made....

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