
Pirate ship?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day One-Forty - Here's What I Think of Your Opinion

I hate to keep harping on this weather.  But it is so great that I can't help it!  This is the third day in a row that I have been able to get up and open the window in the living room for a few hours so that Jingle can enjoy an unobstructed view of the squirrels.  Who ever heard of 70 degree mornings in August in Dallas?  It is crazy but I will take it.

As some of you may have gathered, when I can't think of a topic for the blog in the morning, I peruse Facebook for a while looking for one.  This morning there wasn't much activity on FB.  One of my cousins in Oregon is newly engaged.  Congratulations to Wayne.  Also, overnight there was a tragic death of a high school classmates former boyfriend.  So that was sad.  Otherwise, nothing really new on FB.  But I did continue to scroll looking at new pictures and being amazed at the political opinions that so many people feel they need to express.

I have political opinions.  Any of you who have had more than a 30 minute conversation with me in the last 20 years or so probably know which way my political opinions lean.  I have clicked "Like" on a few pages on FB that share my political views because I like to see what they are saying regularly.  If you post an amusing or intriguing photo or statement that I agree with, I might even "Like" that.  Occasionally, I will even "Like" a photo or statement supporting the political party whose views I do not agree with.  But I find it funny that some people can get so completely worked up over a political view that they sort of verbally go postal while attempting to express their opinion.  If you are so upset that someone posted a photo that you feel the need to drop 4 or 5 F-bombs expressing your displeasure, maybe you should take a minute and think about waterfalls or baby ducks.... something to calm you down.

If someone posts a photo of say.... a dead princess who died several years ago in a car wreck in France, how can that illicit a near violent response from anyone?  Now, honestly, she has been dead a long time and I didn't know her.  So, I see a picture of her and my mental response is that of recognition.  Sometimes I will think that she was an attractive person or that it is sad that she died so young leaving her children without a mother.  That is about it.  I have never had an inclination to respond to a photo of her even by clicking "Like", much less by posting a comment.  She is a dead person from foreign country who I never knew and I don't know anyone who ever met her.  I have nothing to say.  If you feel inclined to express your thoughts as you have them, then yay you!  I have no problem with that.  I simply choose not to.

This morning I noticed that friends of mine had commented on a photo of her.  I was intrigued by this.  What would my friends have to say?  Perhaps they met her once and wanted to share that experience.  Or maybe they just had a nice thought about her and wanted to share it with the other 77,000+ people who had done so.  The photo that was posted had over 2M "likes".....  So, I decided to scroll through the comments and see what my friends had said.  The first thing that struck me as I read the comments was that it was shocking how many people believe that she was murdered in a plot organized by the Queen.  Really?  Do people really think that E is sitting over there in Buckingham Palace with a poisoned apple and a mirror and reciting rhymes while staring into the mirror and thinking up devious plots to destroy the pretty princess?  Yeah.... that's probably how the British monarch spends her days...... "Mirror, mirror on the wall...."

From the posts on FB, I learned that she was "most definitely pregnant" when she was "violently murdered", that E never liked her and was plotting her demise practically from day one.  E was jealous, because after all she was old and not so attractive anymore.  Apparently, Harry is, in fact, NOT the child of Charles.  I am not just lead to believe, but told rather vehemently by one person that it would have been "impossible" for a car to have crashed in that tunnel without help.  Another person, had obtained some other information because he had irrefutable evidence that Charles and Camilla plotted against her and it wasn't actually the queen at all!  People also felt the need to post insults about one another.  Those were entertaining.  The overall message I got was that most of her "followers" might have abused alcohol last night because there were a lot of "drunk" sounding "I loooooooove youuuuuu" type comments.  In fact, I would guess that about 70k of the comments were posted by someone who may have over indulged last night.

Thankfully, my friends who posted simply stated that she was a pretty lady or that she was a warm hearted person.  I would have been worried if they had posted one of the hate filled comments about murder, illicit affairs and illegitimate children that were thrown out.  I wouldn't be surprised if I knew someone who thought any of those things about a public figure.  But I would be surprised if they were dumb enough to post it on a public forum.

It is surprising to me how many people either don't understand or don't care that almost anyone with a computer and a desire to do so can read everything they are posting.  I am also continually surprised at how many people believe that their opinion is so magnificent that some of us might actually care what it is.  You have your beliefs and I have mine.  Sometimes, our opinions and beliefs may be the same and sometimes they may differ.  But in the end, as much as I may like you, I usually don't care what your opinion on a topic is.  My concern is to simply say or do what I think is right.  Regardless of whether I lean Left or Right in my political views, all kittens and puppies are cute.  Most babies are cute and I will always support the men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line to ensure that we live in a society where I am able to express my opinion in whatever law abiding manner I choose.  I will leave it at that.

I hope you all have a great day and if you could post something interesting on FB for me to comment on, I would greatly appreciate it. :-)  For now, I think I will go look for an interesting photo of a public figure to post on FB to see how many "Likes" we can get before the sun sets today.  Woohoooooo!!!!!!!!

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