
Pirate ship?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Two - Nacogdoches Trip Report?

Ahhhhh.....  Cool at last!  It took a while last night to finally get the house cool.  In fact when I went to bed it was still 86 degrees downstairs.  But now it is a pleasant 76 degrees with the air conditioner cycling normally.  How nice!

In the meantime. I had a great time at my parents house.  I got sort of bored a few times since I left in such a hurry that I did not take a book.  But I had some knitting to work on.  If it had been a complicated pattern that I was working on, it would have kept my interest better.  But just knitting row after row became a little tedious.  The best thing about this trip was that we discovered it is possible to take Jingle and Shiner with me when I go there.  So, now I can stay more than a night or two without having to get someone to take care of the cats at home.  Although I have some friends who always volunteer to take care of the cats for me when I leave town, I always feel like I am taking advantage of them, and therefore have trouble enjoying myself.  My other option is to pay a pet sitter which means I don't worry at all.  But at $25 a visit, twice a day I feel like I could Priceline a decent hotel at that rate.

I did walk twice during the 6 days I was at Mom and Dad's house.  The first day, I walked 1.6 miles.  On the second day, I walked 2.2 miles.  Both times, the walk was sooooo nice!  When  I walk outside here, I see house after house and nothing else.  There I saw very few houses, a couple of cars and lots of trees, animals, and scenery.  I lose my data signal on my cell phone the minute I walk into my parents house.  I don't know what it is about their house.  But I secretly believe that my dad has put some sort of grounding system in the attic that will not allow anyone to get onto the Internet while in their home.  They hate it when people stare at their phones all the time.

So, both times I walked I posted on Facebook while I was walking since I was finally able to get on FB.  The problem was that I am a little challenged to just walk without falling down, walking and entering a message on my phone at the same time is impossible.  So that meant I had to stop, in the shade so that I could see the screen in order to post anything to FB.  On the second day, I had stopped to do this and when I finished and looked up, a huge snake was about 5 feet in front of me crossing the road.  I don't know how long he had been there.  But I was glad that he obviously had no interest in me.  I was so shocked that I didn't even think to take a picture with my cell phone.  But I did finally think about taking a few pictures later during my walk.  So here is some of the scenery during my walk on Wednesday on my parents road.

 The picture to the left is the wooden bridge that you have to cross to get to their house.  It is obviously one lane and if there is a car coming from the other direction, you have to pull over and wait your turn.  I wonder how that would go over in Frisco.  Ha ha!  The self absorbed soccer mom's would never even notice that they ran two cars off of the bridge into the creek as they speed along the road with their cell phone to their ear.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against soccer or being a mom.  The problem is with the cell phone that apparently has been surgically attached to her ear making her oblivious to everything else going on around her.  The picture below is the creek that this bridge goes over.  I take vacations and go to amazing places so that I can take pictures of scenes as pretty as this one.  Meanwhile, I took this picture with my cell phone during my morning walk at my parents house in my home town.  I guess maybe I should stop and look at the things around me from time to time.

The picture below was a morning glory that was growing wild next to the bridge.  I love this picture!  Next time I go to their house, I think I will take my good camera and tripod to set up in their backyard.  They have bird feeders in their backyard and get the most amazing birds on them.  This year, they have been seeing beautiful Indigo Buntings which, as their name suggests, are a solid deep blue.  In the past they have seen some Painted Buntings which are very colorful but rare to see in east Texas.  They also have constant deer wondering by.  Currently, there is a doe with her fawn that comes by regularly to feast on Mom's sunflowers.    This is upsetting to Mom, but I think it is greatness!  Her sunflowers are burning up now anyway, so it isn't as big of an issue as it was a few weeks ago.  But it still bothers Mom and Dad for the deer to come by and eat their plants.

I suppose I can understand their frustration.  But I think if I lived in a place like that, I would plant stuff just for the deer to eat so that I could see them regularly.  My brother has seen a panther near their house before one evening as he was leaving.  I think that is so cool!  I would love to see one.  Apparently, there have been quite a few sightings of this panther.  A lot of the people in the area have cattle so I guess they don't think it is so cool.

I should get busy now.  I have a lot to do now that I have working A/C again.  Have a great Friday!

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