
Pirate ship?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Three - Random Junk in My Head

It is possible to develop ADD as an adult?  I cannot seem to concentrate on anything lately.  For instance I have begun this post six times so far this morning.  Each time I get a couple of paragraphs into it and either decide that I don't like how it is going, or that it will be of no interest to anyone including myself.  If I go to sleep midway through the second paragraph, it probably will not hold your interest.  Maybe my issue is not so much Attention Deficit Disorder as it is boredom.  

I have spent the last several hours going through photos on Snapfish looking for a few more to order for framing in my living room.  I was going to write about that because it should not be as difficult as I seem to have made it.  How can this be taking me hours????  But then when I read back what I have written, I wonder why anyone would want to read it.  It is boring!  So, I will spare you the details of my photo search.  I will also spare you more details on how fabulous my new air conditioner is because I am bored with that too.  

I will even spare you cat stories because I don't want you all to start referring to me as your once normal friend who became a "cat lady".  You see, the worst thing anyone can ever call me is a "cat lady".  I worry all the time about people thinking that I have become one of those people.  I actually go out of my way to avoid the stereotype.  This isn't easy to do since I am a single woman in her late 40's with two cats that I love very much.  

If I was a "cat lady" I am pretty sure I would have 15 cats because I would always take all of the cats that my friends try to push off on me.  Is it just me or does everyone get constant emails from friends about a stray cat that needs a home, kittens who need a home, or an old cat that someone can no longer keep due to a new allergy or a new apartment that doesn't allow cats?  I get it people, you know I like cats.  But I cannot have a house full of them.  I don't even want a house full of them.  I like my two cats.  No more.  By the way, I also like dogs.  I don't think that "cat ladies" ever wish they had a dog.  They probably also don't tune into Animal Planet every Saturday morning in search of shows about different dog breeds.   I do that!

I just like animals.  I think most normal people do.  Which makes me wonder what is wrong with a person who abuses a pet.  We've all seen the pictures of puppies or kittens who have been beaten and abused.  I just don't understand what kind of a sick human you have to be to want to harm a creature who if given the chance would love you unconditionally.  Nothing upsets me more than hearing Alyssa Milano's voice on TV. It always means that one of those ASPCA commercials is on.  You know the ones where they show the abused animals.  I can't watch them.  The other thing I can't watch is My Cat From Hell on Animal Planet.  If you are too stupid to realize that you cannot keep a Bengal cat in a small apartment with no place for him to exercise without him going insane and tearing your house to pieces, I certainly don't want to watch an hour long show featuring you and the poor cat.  I'm also very concerned about a grown man who carries a guitar case full of cat toys around..... just saying....

So, this is officially the post about nothing at all.  There is a movie on TV that I can't get interested in because I have seen it too many times.  I am bored with the Olympics.  They lost me when they started showing a "sport" where people jump on a trampoline.  I don't get how that can be an Olympic sport.  I also don't understand Badminton as an Olympic sport.  And more than anything, I cannot understand what would make a person cheat at Badminton much less 8 people cheat to win a Badminton medal.  Really?!?!?!??  You want a Badminton medal so badly that you will throw matches for a more favorable match up?  How pathetic must you be?  

I know more about Ryan Lochte's personal life than I ever wanted to know.  But I think the most surprising thing to come out of that is that I didn't even realize that Dr. Ruth was still alive, much less relevant.  She must be 150 and she is commenting on Lochte's sex life and the fact that his mother is apparently his "wingman" - that is Dr. Ruth's word, not mine!  I need to find out what kind of vitamins Dr. Ruth takes to be on her way to becoming the worlds oldest person.  I've got to get me some of those.....  P.S.  How many of your grandparents tweet????  She tweets!  

And can anybody tell me when the day will come in which I will never have to see another Williams sister on a tennis court?  They annoy me.  I don't know why they annoy me, but they do.  I think I don't like them because of their dad.  I also don't like that professional athletes are allowed to participate in the Olympics.  I guess they had to allow professional athletes for ratings.  But I don't like it.  

I am also grossed out by armpits.  I know, it is weird.  You don't need to tell me this.  But all athletes need to stop wearing tank tops and then raising their arms in victory.  I don't want to see your deodorant residue or hairy pits.  Ugh!  This first became an issue for me years ago when Tonya Harding was figure skating in the winter Olympics the year that she broke that other girls kneecaps.  She had a serious deodorant residue problem and always wore a sleeveless outfit.  Then when she finished skating she would lift her arms and all I could see was that white film under her arms.  GROSS!!!!  Isn't it sad that I remember her name, but I don't remember the name of the girl that she had her goon attack?  Weird.

The thing that I think is the strangest thing is that water polo gets so much air time.  Is anyone interested?  I have watched more water polo and volleyball in the last week than in all 49 years of my life combined prior to this week.  Who cares???!?!?!  How can all of these sports be featured in the Olympics when softball and baseball are not Olympic sports at all?  What the hell????  And also, I can understand archery being an Olympic sport, but it should be done with a plain old fashioned bow and arrow like the Native Americans used, not those hyped up, scoped out, crossbow things!  Hell, I could hit the bullseye with one of those things!  Where's the challenge in that?

Okay, I am finished with my rants and with expressing all of my random thoughts.  Enjoy your Saturday.  If I don't post tomorrow it will because I am still horribly bored and I have already expressed the things that bug me most about the Olympics.

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