
Pirate ship?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Seven - I'm Going for the Gold!

I just heard THUNDER!!!!  Can I tell you how exciting that is for me?  I haven't experienced rain in weeks, I mean a LOT of weeks.  Of course, these clouds will no doubt split directly over my house leaving me under blue skies just as rain starts, but a girl can dream.  Plus, as long as it stays overcast, the temperature probably won't get over 101, right?

Yesterday afternoon, I actually saw some lightening, but it never rained at my house.  While I was at the gym, I noticed that Denton and Wise counties were actually under sever thunderstorm watches.  What I wouldn't give for a good old fashioned severe thunderstorm watch.  It is so sad to see so many brown yards and dead trees falling down everywhere.  But the nice thing was that when I saw the lightening in the distance, I was in my car and it was still 104 degrees but by the time I got home the temperature had dropped to 99.  Last night I went to dinner with Jenny and Mary and afterwards, it had cooled off so much that I sat out on my patio and had a glass of wine when I got home!  Amazing!

I mentioned that I went to the gym yesterday, right?  That is two days in a row for me.  Of course, I canceled all of that work out with dinner and ice cream last night.  But hey, it could be worse.  I could have had the big dinner and ice cream last night without two straight days of gym activity.  I did the full workout both days.... a full workout for me is 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of circuit training.  I like doing the circuit training because although I can't see a TV while I do it, it still keeps my interest since you never spend more than 1 minute doing anything.  I finished yesterday's workout with 40 crunches on the machine from hell.  I don't know the official name for the machine, but that is what I call it.  40 crunches in one minute is a record for me at least since I have been doing this.  Maybe when I was a kid, if I tried, I did better.  But as a fat adult, 40 in a minute is the equivalent to doing a half marathon.  When I work my way up to 60 in a minute, that will be my marathon.  The only problem is that the circuit is situated so that you go in a circle and so for the entire 28 minutes leading up to the machine from hell you see it sitting there mocking you and you know that in order to complete the circuit you must do that machine.  I hate that machine.  I'm pretty sore today.  So I think today will just be a walking day.  If it rains, maybe I will walk outside in the rain and just soak it up!

Oh for the love of Pete!  How much more volleyball can they play in the Olympics?  I haven't watched the Olympics in more than a week because I was tired of the constant volleyball, water polo and the stupid made up sports like trampoline and gymnastics where you run around with a ribbon.  (What is with the ribbon?  I don't get it....)  But since it is all anyone talks about anymore I was feeling kind of out of touch so I decided to try watching it again.  But here we are back on a volleyball court.  They need to change the name of the Olympics to The World Championships of Sports No One Cares About.  I mean seriously, before last week did you know the name of a single water polo player anywhere in the world?  No, that is because you didn't know or care that people played water polo.  I was hoping to see some track and field this morning.  I guess that won't happen.

Here is some very exciting news.... at least it is exciting news for me.  It probably won't mean anything in the world to you.  But I just went upstairs and folded a load of laundry, moved a load out of the washing machine into the dryer and started another load in the washing machine.  Do you know what this means???? I am finally doing the laundry that has been on my list since Saturday!  Woohoo!!!!!!  Now if I can just keep this going until all 6 loads are completed I will be able to take that off of my task list.  If I get that done, do you have any idea what it could lead to?  This would mean that there are no clothes in piles down my hallway upstairs anymore and I can vacuum upstairs!!!!!  This is soooooo exciting.  If that happened, I might be able to go for Gold in Olympic house cleaning.  I know, it isn't really an Olympic sport.  In order for it to become an Olympic sport, I would have to get a partner so that we could do synchronized house cleaning.  I'm no fool!!!!  Have a good Wednesday, I'm going to go see if I can find any people to join my synchronized house cleaning team.  Keep your fingers crossed!!!!

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