
Pirate ship?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Six - These Are a Few of My Favorite Things!

Yay!  My friend Katherine is back from her loooooong vacation and last night we got back together for our weekly chat at my house.  She was actually back last week but I was at my parents house waiting for my A/C to be repaired, so we couldn't get together.  We do this weekly thing where we get together to watch reality TV then we don't actually watch TV that much we just talk the entire time.  I love it!  Spending a couple of hours chatting with Katherine on a weekly bases is a really good time and kind of cathartic.

Being single and living three hours from my family means that I spend a lot of time alone.  Since I currently don't work outside of my home, I spend even more time alone.  I don't mind it.  In fact, I have always loved being home alone.  I like not sharing a remote control.  I like eating whatever I want and not worrying about what someone else might want.  I like enjoying a nice quiet glass of wine on my patio when the temperature drops below 95 degrees.  I like a lot of things about it.  But sometimes, it is just nice to talk to someone.  And it is especially nice to talk to Katherine.

I think I spend a lot of time talking about things that annoy me and not nearly as much time talking about things that make me happy.  We have already established that I am annoyed by ill mannered kids in restaurants, overly demanding cats, people who are obviously not visitors but who consistently park in a visitor parking space, air conditioner repairmen who do not actually repair air conditioners, and countless other things.  But let's discuss some of the really great things in life..... like the amazingly peaceful sound of your air conditioner switching off because your house has reached the 78 degree mark set on your thermostat even though it is 102 outside!  I LOVE when that happens!  Wait!  Here's another one.... When you get all of your stuff together and walk down to the pool and you have it all to yourself for two full hours with Jimmy Buffett blasting on the Ipod docking station and you floating around the pool just like it is in your very own backyard but without all of the upkeep!  Greatness!!!!!

Okay, here is one that both annoys me AND makes me happy....  When I go to Central Market and have more than 15 items but not a lot more, the person who works there and directs customers to shorter checkout lanes always wants to send me to the express lane.  Now, we established yesterday that I HATE people with more than 15 items who are in the express lane.  So, I always say "thanks, but I'm fine right here".  You see my thing is, I would rather relax in the checkout lane browsing through magazines than stand in the express lane and feel like everyone behind me is counting my items and thinking that I am either a) a clueless idiot who obviously can't read; or b) can read but simply under the belief that my time is more valuable than everyone else's.  So, each time that happens I look down at the express lane and pick out the last person in line and then track my progress against hers.  A lot of the time I make it out of the store before her.  WINNING!  Even when I don't get out before her, I'm happy to have taken a stand for keeping the integrity of the express lane in tact.  :-)  Just doing my little part to keep America great....

Here is one that happened to me yesterday.  I went to the gym and did my 20 minutes on the treadmill and then went to do my circuit training and while I was on the circuit, not a single person came in to the circuit area and plopped down on a machine right in the middle of things and camped out so that I couldn't complete my circuit!!!!!  It was terrific!  It is so nice that some of the people in North Dallas are attempting to overcome their apparent illiteracy.  God bless them all!

So right now I am being loved to death by Jingle.  He has taken to cuddling with me each morning while I attempt to write my blog.  Sounds nice, huh?  Except that he curls up on my desk between me and the key board draping his head over my right arm.  This makes it impossible to go from mouse to keyboard without disturbing him which results in an annoyed round of meowing and then him having to resettle himself which takes several minutes and is not pleasant for either of us.  So, it will be easier if I just close for now.  Have a great Tuesday and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

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