
Pirate ship?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day One-Forty-Three - Stay Thirsty!

Priceline is genius.  That is all I can say.  I never was a William Shatner fan until he started spoofing himself on the whole over acting thing.  Now, it depends on what he is doing as to whether or not I'll watch him.  In a comedy he is good.  If I am supposed to take him seriously in a roll, then I won't watch it.  As the Priceline Negotiator he is..... wait for it......  PRICELESS!

For the last several months they have been doing the commercials where everyone thought he was dead following an explosion.  Now he has resurfaced and he is of all things a surfer!  But he his meeting with some man on a beach and they are both wearing suits.  At the end of the commercial, he runs to the surf with his surf board in his business suit.

These commercials are almost as good as any commercial for Jack-in-the-Box.  I love Jack commercials.  You really can't go wrong with a giant clown head on a normal mans body.  The fact that he wears a suit and acts, for the most part, like a normal businessman makes him that much better.  The best part of any Jack commercial is when it cuts away from Jack as someone else speaks and then you see him again and his facial expression has changed.  When he goes from that giant goofy smile to a little "o" you know he is troubled.

My current favorite is the one where the two hungover guys wake up and Jack is in the room obviously angry.  During the night they got Jack-in-the-Box apparently to soak up some of the alcohol and now one of them has swallowed Jack's cell phone on a bet and the other has swallowed his car keys.  At the end of the commercial you can hear a distant cell phone ring.  I bet that one plays well on college campuses.

The Sonic commercials used to be good with the two guys in the car.  They are starting to get old now.  For a while the one guys "wife" would be on there.  She was funny.  You can only have the same people act dumb for so long before even in commercial land, the audience starts to think no one is that dumb.

My very favorite commercials are still the Dos Equis commercials with "the worlds most interesting man".  "His personality is so magnetic he cannot carry credit cards."  "People hang on his every word - even the prepositions."  "He can speak French.... in Russian."  "Alien abductors have asked him to probe them."
"If he were to punch you in the face, you would have to fight the strong urge to thank him."

I like for a commercial to entertain me more than inform me.  I have no need to be educated in 30 second intervals.  If I am interested in the product, I can Google it after the commercial ends.  I am not sure, but I think most people feel this way.  I would assume that it is why Super Bowl commercials are now bigger in some years than the game itself.  Most of the commercials are new and they are designed to entertain you more than inform you.  In the Steve Jobs book several pages are devoted to the development of the Super Bowl commercial that introduced the Apple II during the Super Bowl.  It was a huge deal.  While it wasn't funny, it left you thinking.  It entertained.

I'm not really sure why I am writing about commercials this morning other than I saw William Shatner surfing just after I woke up this morning and it made me giggle.  I figure anytime you can start the day with a little chuckle the day can't be that bad and you have to take the chuckles where you can get them.  So, I support the humorous commercial and it's makers.

I'm going to Nacogdoches this weekend to celebrate my brothers birthday.  Have a good weekend and Stay Thirsty My Friends!

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