
Pirate ship?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day One-Twenty-Nine - Cold Thoughts!

Time to start thinking cool thoughts.  Yesterday it was 109 degrees here in Dallas and I don't like it.  I believe that the power of positive thinking does wonders and so if you all will join me at least 5 people will be thinking about something cool.  Maybe five positive thoughts is all we need.  So, let's all think about a time when we were colder than we ever wanted to be.  Don't just think of a day when the weather was nice or a day when you were kind of cold.  I want you to think of a day when you were so cold you thought you might die.  Hey, if only 5 of us are participating, we may need to do an extreme positive thought thing.  Work with me here!

I'm trying to narrow my extreme cold situations down to just one.  It is hard for me to do this since I hate cold weather so much.  I mean, I keep going back in my mind to San Diego a few years ago when it was cold and rainy.  It was only in the 50's, but did I mention it was San Diego and it was raining too?  I wasn't prepared for anything under 70 degrees and I was miserable and angry about it.  So, obviously it was not life threatening so it has to be disqualified.  I think my friend, Jenny, might go back in her mind to a similar day in Barcelona when it was in the 50's and rainy and her feet were wet.  She got chilled and she was not happy about it.  Sometimes I guess it doesn't have to be life threateningly cold to be miserably cold.

Another one that keeps popping to mind for me was that Christmas that I drove the Mustang home to Bay City from Nacogdoches.  I have already covered that in this blog.  If you missed that one, please refer to Day One-Thirteen   It was really miserably cold.  Anytime you are willing to wrap your body in dirty clothes for warmth, you are cold.  Take my word for it.

Once when we were kids we went camping at Shirley Creek for a weekend.  This was back in the days when we camped in a tent with no running water and only a Coleman stove and a campfire for cooking and a cold front came through.  When we woke up in the morning there was frost all over everything.  That was really cold.  It was especially cold for our friend Don Bailey who fell out of my dad's boat and into the lake that morning.  That is a long story that I won't get into now.

I think maybe the coldest I have ever been was one winter in Nacogdoches when we had a really bad ice storm.  I honestly can't remember what grade I was in, but it was probably 7th or 8th.  I know this because we lived on Timber Ridge Dr. at the time.  It was February and we moved to Lumberton in February of 9th grade, so it probably wasn't that year.

We lost electricity the night that the ice storm went through.  I am not sure exactly how long we were without electricity.  But I think it was close to a week.  After the first night, we took all of the perishable food, out of the refrigerator and moved it to the backyard on our porch swing.  We packed a little snow around it and not only did it stay cold, but the milk actually froze out there.  Our only source of warmth at home was the fire place.  There was no TV since there was no electricity so we just played out in the snow all day.  Then we would come in the house and be soaking wet. By the time we would come in the house, we would be nearly ice cubes ourselves.  We would take all of our clothes off and change into dry clothes.  Then we had to hang our wet clothes up in front of the fire place to dry.  I remember my hands and feet being so cold I didn't think they would ever thaw.  You couldn't get close enough to that fire place to really get warm.  I think that was actually the first time I ever thought, snow isn't that pretty.  If you are a kid who is in a week long snow day, not having to go to school at all for a full week due to the snow, and you can look at it and think, "I hate snow", it is freaking cold!!!!  So, I think I am going to have to go with that moment as the coldest moment of my life.

Now, each of you needs to remember your coldest moment.  Maybe it was one time when you went skiing, although why anybody would ever go skiing is beyond me.  I have never understood why people pay big money to be cold and miserable.  But I digress.....  Anyway remember back to your coldest moment.  Then at exactly 9:00 p.m. Central time tonight lets all concentrate on that singular cold moment for each of us.  Then tomorrow we will reconvene here and see what the power of positive thinking has done.  Remember nothing but cold thoughts tonight!

Have a good Friday and an even greater weekend!  I hope it snows wherever you are!!!!!!

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