
Pirate ship?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day One-Forty-Nine - A Trip to Starbucks

Well, you are not going to believe this.  But we didn't clean the garage yesterday.  It just wasn't in the cards.  We had too many things working against us.  So, instead we went shopping for some new shoes for my parents and looking for a few other things that they need that are hard to find in Nacogdoches.  While we were out we went to Randy White's BBQ.  It was only the second time I had been there.  It is really good and Dad loved it.  We had a nice but very quick visit.  Now it will be up to me to get the garage cleaned but I think I am up to the task.

I am really running late on getting this written today.  I started it a few hours ago.  But I can't seem to settle on a topic today.  Today feels like a go to Starbucks and work on the laptop kind of day.  So, after I get a few things done around the house, that is what I think I will do.  I need to find one however, that is not as busy as the one closest to my house.  At that one, regardless of the time of day or night, you can never get a table.  There is one between my house and UTD that I assume would be even worse since it is probably always full of students.  I guess I will just drive around looking for an empty Starbucks this afternoon.

Most of the time I like sitting in my house where there are no interruptions and writing there.  However, there are times, like today, when I just feel like seeing other people while I write will help.  It is sad that I look forward to a trip to Starbucks.  But it is really more about what I will do at Starbucks.  I used to stop in the local Starbucks at odd times occasionally and think how nice it was that so many people did something during the day that allowed them to just take a laptop and go to Starbucks for hours on end.  Meanwhile, the only time I was there in the middle of the day was during a vacation.  Now, for the time being I get to be one of those people who can just take the laptop and work at Starbucks for a few hours.  It is a luxury that I do not take for granted.

The best thing about spending the afternoon working at Starbucks will be that Jingle will not insist upon sitting between me and my keyboard if I am not sitting at my desk.  He has gotten out of control with that.  I have never seen an animal so jealous of a computer.  But I really think that is his problem.  He feels that I devote too much time to the computer and I should be spending it all on him.  Right now, as I type this, he is between my two outstretched arms lying on my desk.  The keyboard is pushed up against the monitor and I can barely reach it.  Meanwhile, he is curled into a little ball, with his head against my chest purring like a motor.  If I put him down on the floor on on the couch, he reaches up and catches my sleeve with his claw and pulls on it and constantly meows until I allow him back on the desk and between me and the keyboard.

Shiner on the other hand is sleeping in the garage and couldn't be happier.  While Mom and Dad were here, he sat on the bar stool opposite Dad the entire time I was in the kitchen cooking.  He loves being around my Dad.  It is funny that my Dad has become a cat person in the last few years.  I think that Shiner is undoubtedly my Dad's second favorite cat right behind Regis.  Dad likes a cat that he feels is low maintenance.   But honestly, they spend a lot of time catering to Regis' needs.  But even I have to admit that Jingle is the most high maintenance cat in the world.

Well, sorry this is so boring today and sort of pointless.  I think I will get my stuff done now so that I can go to Starbucks.  Maybe after I do some people watching today, I'll have an interesting topic or two tomorrow.  Have a good afternoon!

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