
Pirate ship?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day One-Ninety-Three - A Day in the Life of Jingle

Hi!  My name's Jingle.  I'm special and don't you forget it.  I just got up.  It was a pretty rough night.  Sus - that's what I call her, (I don't ever want her to be so comfortable in this relationship that she forgets who's in control so, I have to remind her that I'm the boss by calling her a variation of her first name.)  anyway Sus didn't let us go to bed until around midnight again last night.  I was really tired and I sure let her know it.  When she finally walked upstairs so that we could go up there, I jumped up on the dresser and tried to move some pictures around on the wall to show her just how mad I was.  I also knocked her necklace off the dresser.  Hehe... that really pissed her off.  I thought it would get her out of bed for sure.  But she got right back in bed once she put it up.  Anyway after a few minutes I got pretty sleepy and got in bed with her.

The Brat - he's the one that she calls Shiner, got in bed on the other side of her.  The brat likes to run around and play a lot.  But he doesn't trust either one of us too much.  He's a little bit of a loner I guess from when he lived on the mean streets of Shner, Tx.  He tells me about it sometimes.  It must have been pretty rough.  Sometimes, he didn't get to eat anything except the lizards he caught.  When he gets sad about it I clean his ears for him.  He's not so bad.  He's just kinda spoiled.

So, after we got in bed last night, it started raining really hard.  The lightening and thunder were real scary so I slept real close to Sus.  She kept scooting over a little but I got right back up against her.  The Brat stayed pretty close too.  It sure was warm in that bed.  A little while ago we woke up.  The Brat must have really got scared by the thunder last night, because when I woke up he was real close to Sus and had his leg across her face.

When we came downstairs the Brat jumped up on the kitchen counter to watch her get our breakfast.  He always keeps an eye on things to make sure she doesn't cheat us.  That enables me to walk in the other room and act kind of aloof so that she won't think I really depend on her.  I don't want her thinking that I need her or anything.  Also, I like eating in front of the TV and this way, she brings my food to me.  I like it like that.  So, this was kinda funny.... when she brought my food to me this morning, I acted like I didn't want it and just walked away.  She did that girl thing where she acted like she was kinda worried about me and really wanted me to eat.  But you always have to keep them wanting it, ya know?  You can't make 'em too comfortable.

So after she went back in the kitchen to make the dark colored smelly stuff she stuff she drinks out of the white cup every morning, I went over and ate some of that food she brought me.  Then I jumped up on my window seat.  But that dumb broad didn't even open the window yet!!!  Can you believe this?  Do I have to tell her everything?????!!?!?!  HEY SUS!!!!  GET IN HERE AND OPEN THE WINDOW!!!!  JEESE!!!! Ah... here she comes, finally.  Okay, now that this window is open, I'll just jump down and go to the garage door and get that opened.  Clickity, clickity, click, click, clickity... That's me walking across the floor.  I won't let her trim my claws.  She got a few of them the other day while I was sleeping but I woke up and caught her so now, I'm really watching her.  I hate it when she trims them.  She doesn't hurt me, but it makes her think she is in charge and I don't like it.

Damn it!  She still hasn't opened the garage door.  I guess I should give her a warning, I'll just reach up and sharpen the ol' claws on the carpeted rabbit that she has hanging from the doorknob.  I love this thing.  But he is getting a little warn out.  I wish she would get a new one.  There isn't much carpet left on parts of him.  She's still not here.... SUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!!!!!  THE BACK DOOR IS CLOSED!!!!!  IT'S CLOSED, IT'S CLOSED!!!!  IT'S NOT OPEN!!!!!  Oh, here she comes.  Ha!  I love it when she runs like that.  Thanks old girl.  Alrighty, I'll just take a little trek out into my garage.  I like it a lot out here.  It is good and dark and sometimes it is really nice and warm.  The safest place out here is in the big metal green machine.  I like to sleep in the spot where she sits when she gets in it.  That way I can smell her and I can get my hair all over it so that she sort of takes me with her wherever she goes... heheheheh.

Okay, well, I'm not really sleepy right now since we slept so late this morning, so I'll just go inside and see what she is doing.  Clickity, clickity, click, click, clickity...  Ugh!  She is sitting under the stairs tapping on the black buttons in front of the big screen.  I hate it when she does that.  She acts like she loves those black buttons more than she loves me.  I won't stand for it.   I'll just sit beside her and yell.  SUUUUUUSSS!!!  HEY LOOK AT ME!  I'M DOWN HERE.  CAN'T YOU HEAR MEEEEE????!?!!?  Oh, hey that got her.  But she went right back to the buttons.  Maybe if I jump up there and get on the buttons, she will notice me.  gvbigvyigctuytdrxhnbygiuhjnjknjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj....  Oh yeah, she really liked that she talked to me for a long time after that.  Then she held me and petted me while she pushed the buttons.  I like it when we sit like this.  She can only push one button at a time instead of clicking on all of them.  I'm pre-tty.... sleepy.... don't know...if I can stay.... awake much....

Whew!  That was a great nap!  I feel so refreshed.  Hot dog!  It is almost time for the football game to start. I think I'll go sit in the window until game time so I'll be ready to start bugging her again as soon as she moves in front of the TV.  Wait, I better go check on the Brat first.....  Clickity, clickity, click, click, clickity... HEY BRAT!!! YOU STILL OUT HERE ON THE PATIO?????  Oh, hey buddy... how's it going.  Okay, just checking on you.  I'm going back in now.  Hey, Sus, the Brats still sleepin' on the patio in case you were wondering.  I'm just going to go look out the window and see what the squirrels are up to.  Hey squirrels, how's it going?  Okay, I'll be back, I need to go check on Sus.  Hey Sus, everything okay over here????  You need me to move any pictures or anything?  You alright?  I could move this Bob Hope autograph for you.  I know you really like it when I do it.  You good????  Okay, then I'm going to the garage...  kinda getting sleepy again.  Need a nap.

Whew!!!!  That was a good nap.  I better go inside and check on Sus.  HEY SUS!!!!  YOU IN HERE???  WHERE ARE YOU????  Oh, hey there you are right where I left you.  I must have slept for at least 15 minutes that time.  It was great.  Wanna play?  You get the idea, right?  This is pretty much the way the rest of my day will go.

I'll keep doing this all day.  Sus will come running everytime I start to meow.  It's a pretty good life.  Around 5, the Brat will tell her it's time to eat.  He does that by sharpening his claws on her leg.  That's fun....  I love watching her jump when he does that.  We will both keep cat napping and telling her which doors and windows we need opened throughout the day.  Then around 9 tonight, she will play with us for a while and then at midnight we will all go to bed again.  You guys have a good day.  I'm going to see if I can manipulate Sus to come and watch me use the litter box.

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