
Pirate ship?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day Two-Oh-Five - A New, Old Project

You are probably getting tired of hearing about all of this but I can't help it.  The cleaning of closets opened whole new worlds for me and I have to tell someone about it.  The cats just walk away when I attempt to talk to them so you guys are just going to have to deal with it for one more day.

I told you about my propensity for putting a knitting project into a tote bag after it has been sitting around for several weeks without me working on it.  Then I hang it on a doorknob and eventually, I either rip it out and rewind the yarn or start working on it again.  Well while I was cleaning the closets I found a big tote bag that I was pretty sure was just full of yarn scraps so I didn't even look in it.  Yesterday before I started a new knitting project I decided to take one last "swim" through what I am now calling the "knitting closet" (guest room closet) since it is where I am keeping all of my yarn and supplies neatly organized now.

When I opened the closet, the first thing that caught my eye was the big green tote bag in question.  I knew that I still hadn't opened it up and gone through it.  But I went ahead and started looking through all of the yarn on display.  I decided that most of it would be good for afghans or there were other yarns that I thought would be good for a small project of some sort.  But I had a hankering to make a sweater.  So, I finally gave up and opened the tote bag.  Inside of it were 4 balls of unused beautiful wool and acrylic Reynolds Smile yarn along with a partially knitted sweater that I had apparently taken great care with prior to putting it away.  I remember buying the yarn and the pattern vividly.  But I do not remember starting to knit the sweater and I certainly do not remember getting it halfway finished before stopping and putting it away!

So, I spent about 4 hours last night going back through the pattern and what had been knitted of he sweater so far to figure out where I had stopped.  I basically had to go back through each row in the pattern and match it to the knitting before I could finally figure out what needed to be done next.  It is a very interesting cardigan that is being knitted in one piece from sleeve to sleeve.  The really terrific part is that it knits super fast since the yarn is so thick and it uses such big needles.  I knitted 4 or 5 rows last night after I finally figured out where I was and after doing so, I am sure that I could have this finished in another week or so!  I'm so excited about it that I have to show you a picture of what is complete so far.  Last night I bound off the front left side and placed the white yarn down the placket as markers for where the buttons will go.  It think it is really going to be cool looking and I like that the stripes are vertical.

So anyway, that is what I am working on now and it actually motivated me to work faster yesterday on travel stuff so that I could hurry up and get to the knitting.  So, that is a great thing.  I always need motivation to move faster.  As much as I love the travel thing, you can only do so many webinars in one week before you start to lose interest in completing the next one.

I did a webinar yesterday on using Facebook to promote my product.  It was very interesting and you might see me doing a few more things in the coming weeks with that.  If I start to annoy you with it, please be patient.  I promise, I won't continue to annoy you, but I do have to figure this out and let's face it, you are my guinea pigs.  :-)  So, please don't block me!  I will make all of this worth your while eventually by giving you some rocking information on a great place that you MUST go.

Oh!  Last night I also attempted to put the fish tank and stand that did not sell in the garage sale on Ebay.  I almost completed it before the template required that I put shipping information in.  It said that I HAVE to be willing to ship it in order to put it on Ebay.  I am NOT shipping a 35 gallon fish tank and stand!  So, I stopped.  I know I have seen lots of things on Ebay that said the seller would not ship it and that the buyer must pick it up.  So, I think I will go back and finish getting the fish tank listed just inserting that message in the copy.  But it threw me when I saw that.

Okay, well that's all I've got for today.  I have to get busy working so that I can shut down this afternoon and knit on my sweater.  You guys have a terrific Friday.  If any of my friends at the former employer who shall not be named are flexing today, enjoy yourselves.  Stay warm!

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