
Pirate ship?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day Two-Oh-Nine - Facebook Etiquette

This is for all of you Facebook junkies....  I am one of you, so I know what I am saying.  Facebook is not a way of life, no one lives or dies based on a Facebook post.  We can each say something on Facebook and possibly offend someone and tomorrow it will all be fine because Facebook is not the real world.  It is a forum for posting opinions, communicating with friends, touching base with old friends and meeting new friends.  If I think that this stupid storm on the East Coast was over hyped, I'm allowed to express that opinion.  My opinion hurts no one.  If on the other hand, you think my opinion is stupid, you are allowed to say so.  I have thick skin.  The worst that can happen is that I "unfriend" you.  Ha!  Not really.  I wouldn't do that just because you don't agree with me.  I'll only talk about you behind your back.  I still need for you to be my "friend" on Facebook to give me something to talk about, silly!!!!!  Ammo is important!

Here's another thing.  Sometimes, people express opinions on Facebook as sort of an outlet because it is the only time they can express an opinion without being interrupted by a spouse, child or significant other.  Come on people... give 'em that!  They just have to get that opinion out there.  Don't pee on it!  People with no outlet for expressing their opinions are the ones who go nuts and eventually find an automatic weapon and wreak havoc.  (And yes, we're all aware that many of you believe that gun control would stop this, because obviously mass murders would never dream of breaking the law by obtaining a weapon illegally!!!!)  Wouldn't it be more pleasant to just allow them the opportunity to say that they either choose to vote democratic or republican or even independent without crapping all over them?  Don't get me wrong, I totally get that there are those who abuse this privilege and post 1,000 things a day about their chosen candidate and comment on the least little thing that you post about yours like you are some kind of Nazi pig.  But that is easily remedied.  It's called "block".  Just block them until after the election.  Then you can remain Facebook friends and they will never know that you quit reading anything they wrote after their third offensive post.

What I am saying in the so eloquently put words of Rodney King is "Can we all get along?"  This process is what makes America so great!  We all have a right to express our opinions thanks to the miracle of the 1st Amendment.  So, express away!!!!!  Knock yourselves out!!!!  But don't expect me to agree with you.  As long as you don't become obnoxious about it, I'll continue to read your posts and perhaps have my thoughts swayed by your words if you make a good enough argument.  On the other hand, I might express a differing opinion.  But please, allow everyone else that same opportunity.  If you can't deal with an opinion that differs from yours in anyway, I'm not sure how you made it this far, but please just block all of us until after the election.  Or here's a thought.... shut your computer down!!!!  I know, it's a radical thought but it can be done.

Alright switching Facebook pet peeves, I try not to post endless pictures of my amazing "living for the minute", jetsetting, wild and crazy life and countless posts detailing the crazy parties that I attend with the likes of George Clooney and such, you know, because that would all be a lie.  So could you all do the same?  Quit bragging about your perfect lives!  Or at least post more pictures of your perfect lives if you are going to post comments about them.  If you could stand a foot or two from your perfect husband and children in the pictures, I would also appreciate that.  It makes it easier for me to photoshop you out and paste my picture in your place.  (I'm sorry, was that creepy?  I crossed a line, right?)  Anyway, you understand the point I am making.  We all know that you have a perfect life, tap the brakes just a bit, okay?

This is the final issue I have with things I see on Facebook that annoy me, but it is by FAR the most troubling.  DON'T POST LEADING COMMENTS!!!!!  I hate this.  If I see one more post that simply says, "Well, this day sucks!" or anything even remotely similar to that, I will hunt you down and tell you all about my life!  Don't force us to ask what is going on or if you are okay.  If it is worth posting so that your 500 closest friends can read it, then it is worth explaining.  In the future, when I see a post like that my response to you simply will be, "cramps?".  You and I will both know what this means.  You posted a leading comment hoping that people would beg you to explain things thereby prolonging your 15 minutes and I called you out on it.  We're keeping each other honest from here on out.  It is you and me friends, we're in this together.  We'll make it.  We all just have to make a serious effort.  Be strong!  Love you all!!!!

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