
Pirate ship?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day One-Ninety-Four - This is It... Like it or Not!

It is crunch time.  I have been saying for months that I needed a deadline to get my garage cleaned out and it would happen only when the deadline arrived.  Well, the garage sale starts on Friday.  My parents will be here to help me prepare on Wednesday afternoon and I told them that I would have the garage cleaned out and ready to go then so that we would only need to bring things out of the house to load into the garage for selling.

It really is remarkable what difference the little bit that I have accomplished has made.  I am already able to keep things in my garage that I couldn't previously.  I went outside yesterday to get something out of the freezer and I could get to the freezer!!!!  Victory!  The weather is perfect today for working on this stuff.  It is currently 62 degrees outside.  I should be able to finish getting the garage cleaned out today unless I am a total loser and let's face it, I may be.  I mean I do still know in the back of my mind that I have most of the day tomorrow and half a day on Wednesday still to work.  But I also need to do a little housework in anticipation of my parents visit.  Plus I have to go to the grocery store and I have a business series lunch to attend tomorrow.  So really today is the big day.

So here's the big game plan.  First thing I am going to tackle is old junk mail.  I'll run everything through the shredder and take it straight to the dumpster after shredding.  Then I'm cleaning cobwebs off of all the shoes that have been sitting out there for the last year which will all go into the garage sale.  Then... I'll clean the cobwebs off of me.  Next, I'll put away all of the tools which I haven't been able to put up for the last year or so because I couldn't get to their proper location.  After that I'll designate a side of the garage as sale items and sort through the other side of the garage either putting things away, taking them to the dumpster or moving them to the sale side.  After all of that is done, I'll clean the old fish tank out that has been sitting out there for the last few years so that I can get somebody to give me what it is worth.  When I finish all of that, I'll come in and take a long hot shower if I am still able to stand because it will be late!!!!

Tomorrow is going to be house cleaning day once I get back from the business series lunch.  I did start on that yesterday while the Cowboys were sucking the life out of me.  The living room is clean, swept, mopped, vacuumed, dusted....  I just need to get upstairs and give it a good once over.  But honestly, that is where a majority of the garage sale stuff will be coming from.  So, I am thinking that digging that stuff out will make a huge difference.

It has become soup weather practically overnight.  So, maybe I'll make a big pot of soup for Wednesday night.  That way I won't have to waste too much time Wednesday cooking instead of finishing up tasks around the house before Mom and Dad get here.  Wednesday morning, I'll have to go to the grocery store.  Really when I think about it, today is the only real tough day.  Once I get today done it will all be downhill from here.  You notice how I keep talking about today instead of ending this blog entry so that I can get out there and just get started.....  Well, it might take a small army today to get me away from this keyboard.  I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT THERE!!!!!!!  I HATE THAT GARAGE!!!!!  THERE ARE SPIDERS!!!!! Plus I could get cut again.  My index finger still hasn't healed.  My finger print has changed from this cut!

Okay, I'm heading out there.  Wish me luck.  The best thing that could happen would be if I got locked outside forcing me to stay out there and work all day.  That is probably the only real chance I have of getting this done.  Or maybe if a swarm of killer bees got inside the house forcing me to stay outside all day, that could work.  Okay, here I go.... I'm really doing it now.  I'll let you know tomorrow if I get more than one stack of junk mail sorted and shredded.  Ugh!  I want to be Samantha Stephens and just wiggle my nose and have it all done.  By the way, Darren was an idiot!  Who wouldn't want a witch around the house on a day like this????!?!?!?

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