
Pirate ship?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day One-Eighty-Seven - A Little Chilly!

Burrrrrr.....  It is cold in this house this morning.  I will be very happy to get the pilot light lit on my furnace.  It is only 65 degrees in here but right now it feels colder.  It wasn't cold in bed at all though.  The cats snuggled in last night and it was actually very warm in my bed.  It is amazing how much body heat can be generated by a 10 lb. cat.  The fire place is on now and I have a busy day ahead.  So, I should warm up quickly.

Jingle is not happy at all this morning but I can't figure out what he wants.  It is one of those mornings in which he is trying to tell me, but I just haven't figured it out yet.  I have fed him, he turned his nose up at the food which is very uncommon for him these days.  I opened the door to the garage, he walked out for about 20 seconds then came back in.  I turned on the fireplace and moved his food close to his bed which is directly in front of the fireplace.  I have tried to pick him up and cuddle with him, he doesn't want any part of it. I just went out and let him in the car.  Maybe that will do the trick.

Yesterday was a great lazy Sunday.  Even though I didn't have any interest in any of the football games I had trouble walking away from them.  It was too cold and gloomy to do anything but sit in the living room and veg.  I should have spent the entire day in the garage working on it.  But how can you spend such a perfect fall day working?  You can't.

I tried a new Gingerbread recipe yesterday.  It wasn't good.  It has too much cinnamon in it.  I'm not a fan of cinnamon.  Anytime the Gingerbread recipe has more cinnamon in it than it has ginger, that should be a warning sign.  But this particular recipe used buttermilk and I have buttermilk that I need to get rid of.  So, it was the recipe for me.  Another way you might be able to tell that it is a bad Gingerbread recipe before tasting it is if you bake it and it doesn't even make your house smell good.  It actually almost made the house smell bad.  How can that be?  I mean seriously, it has two components right in the title that should be guaranteed to make your house smell good, ginger and bread.  How can you go wrong?  Don't get me wrong, I don't need Gingerbread recipes so please don't inundate me with them.  I have a perfectly good one that I made just a few weeks ago.  I was simply looking for a recipe that would use up some buttermilk and give me a snack at the same time.  This one did not work out for me.  If you have a great recipe for anything that will accomplish those two things then bring it on.

I think Jingle may have been drugged.  He is going nuts.  I got a toy out for him a few days ago and he has totally ignored it since Saturday evening when I pulled it out.  Then a few minutes ago, he was still whiny and apparently being in the car didn't do the trick, so I let him out on the patio.  He came back in after about 45 seconds out there and is going nuts with this toy.  Ha!  And he just pounced on Shiner.  Shiner jumped about 10 feet in the air.  Maybe the crisp fall air is making Jingle high.  It has at least made him frisky.

Well as I said earlier, I have a busy day ahead of me.  So I had better go ahead and get it started.  Have a great Monday and send me those buttermilk-snack recipes if you have them.

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