
Pirate ship?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Two-Oh-Two - WWBTD - (What Would Big Tex Do)?

Today I am going to a Time Management luncheon.  I can't tell you how badly I need to go to this one.  My time management skills these days are very lacking.  Lately, I seem to be able to spend half a day doing something that should take an hour.  I have a little bit of Places You'll Go stuff to take care of this morning before the lunch.  So, I'm looking forward to that.

I finished reading my book yesterday.  I have a Nook.  I love it.  But a few months ago, I filled it up with music and I was having trouble with it so I couldn't download any new books.  I couldn't listen to the music on it because when I plugged my earbuds in to the device, I couldn't hear it through the earbuds, the sound came through a speaker so that the rest of the world could hear it.  I didn't figure that anybody on an airplane would be too interested in listening to my entire collection of Jimmy Buffett and Fleetwood Mac, so I never listened to the music anyway.  I mean how hard is it to just use the Ipod for music.  I take it with me everywhere anyway.  Anyhow, I finally cleaned the music off of it Sunday and now I am able to download books again.  It was very strange.  All of the info I found on my Nook says it will hold about 17,000 books.  But there were only 73 on there along with about 500 songs and there was no memory left.  I guess the 500 songs take up a lot of space.  But that is not what I wanted to discuss with you all today.

I'm a big Fox 4 News girl.  I like it because with them all the news is always local.  I hate those glitzy national morning news shows with the beautiful people who actually look a little freakish when you see them live.  If you ever go watch the morning shows being done live in NYC, Matt Lauer is about 4'8" and has a head the size of the Goodyear Blimp!  He is a total freak!  And that Sam guy on ABC, is totally orange from all of the self tanner.  Anyway due to the locality of Fox 4 and the lack of banter in the morning when I am incapable of handling banter, I choose Fox 4.  As a result, anytime I am interested in seeing what is going on in Dallas or the world I head to Fox 4 first.

Last night I chose to watch the baseball game instead of the debate.  I already know who I am voting for and nothing either of them could have said with the possible exception of "I like killing kittens" would have changed my mind.  I am a baseball fan and I really wanted the Giants to win the NLCS after having gone to a game in SF this year (in which they smeared the Rangers).  During the game, which was on Fox 4, they teased a news story that would air on the news after the game.  It was about a memorial service for Big Tex.  I posted about this on FB last night.  Like I said last night, I am as big of a Big Tex fan as anybody.  But a memorial service seemed to be taking it all a little bit far.

So I finished watching the game and went through the entire presentation ceremony not because I cared about watching that but because I didn't want to miss the Big Tex story on the news afterwards.  After all, I live in this city and I think I should get a good look at the people who would attend a memorial service for a 50 foot tall metal frame covered in clothing in case I run into them in my everyday life.  You have to know which people you should avoid when you are on the DartRail.

When the Giants finally had all of their NLCS accolades the presentation ended and the news came on they spent the first 15 minutes of the news talking to two local politicians rehashing the entire debate.  Now, if I was interested in watching the debate, wouldn't I have done so?  I really don't need some former Democratic chief of dog catching from Fort Worth and a toilet cleaner for the RNC to explain to me what was said.  If I had seen it, I could probably figure out what was said as well as either of them could.  If I chose not to watch it, I probably wasn't interested in what was said in the first place.  But I suffered through the 15 minute debate of the debate between Jim Bob and Homer.

When that was finally over, the long anticipated Big Tex Memorial Service story finally came on.  I can't begin to tell you what a let down it was.  First of all, the memorial service took place in Oak Cliff.  There were roughly 100 attendees inside of an apparently un-air conditioned church all practically elbowing each other to get into each camera shot and saying things like "when Big Tex comes back he is going to speak with a Spanish accent so that we can all understand him".  Now, I'm just spit balling here, but if that is the case shouldn't he be called Grande Tejas instead of Big Tex????  There can be no doubt that these people were exploiting the horrific death of an icon for their personal gain.  How dare they???!??!  It wasn't a memorial service, it was a "hey, look at me" service.  Big Tex is rolling over in his grave right now.

So, anyway, that was what I wanted to tell you about today.  I am sure that most of you didn't get to watch that little story last night on the news and I wanted you all to know that shockingly enough there are about 100 people in sunny south Dallas attempting to exploit the death of Big Tex and Fox 4 News is helping by giving them publicity to do so.  I can only hope that on this Friday's edition of Tell it to Tim, a huge grassroots effort to bring this atrocity to light is televised.

Have a great Tuesday!

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