Shiner has a new goal in life but I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is. Either he now wants to be mentioned everyday in my blog or he wants one of his own. Honestly, one of his own may be slightly more interesting than this one. Of course, if I include a daily Shiner mention, and keep him away from the computer, I could increase my number of followers.
So, a few minutes ago, I was sitting here minding my own business while reading another trashy romance novel (I know what you're thinking.... the trashy romance novel break only lasted two days) when the cats go running through the house chasing each other. This is not uncommon. In fact, I would say it happens two or three times a day. I had the patio door open, there is a tree on my patio that is tall and skinny. At the base it is probably only five inches in diameter and gets very scraggly as it goes up. On this particular occasion, Jingle was chasing Shiner. It varies depending on who started it and where they turned around. They both went running past me and ran out to the patio. There are windchimes in my tree. I heard the windchimes going nuts and knew that Shiner had run up into the tree. I knew it had to be Shiner because Jingle is too smart (and lazy) to do that.
I continued to read for a few minutes thinking that he is perfectly capable of making his way down on his own but the windchimes kept making noise and it sounded like he was going up rather than coming down based on the different windchimes that I was starting to hear. So, I walked outside. Shiner was nearly up to the top of the tree and it was bending over toward the fence! So, naturally, I came back in for a camera. He is in the center of the picture of leaves at the top of this post. Once I got a picture of him I started trying to get him down. The hardheaded cat was convinced that up, which took him to the other side of the fence, was the only way to go. So, finally, I got a ladder and bent the tree the rest of the way over and pulled him out of it. He is laying in the dining room floor pouting now.
In human news.... I got the living room cleaned and all of the furniture re-arranged yesterday. I was right the, desk area took nearly three hours to clean. I worked on it all until 6:30 last night. But I am so happy it is done. Today, I'll be cleaning the patio after lunch with some of my "shoe" friends. Following Shiners antics, there are a lot more leaves out there now to sweep up.
Some of you may have noticed that I did not mention the doorknob full of clothes in my Task List today.... Well, my friends, that is because they are IN THE CLOSET!!!!!!!!! Yes, that is correct, I actually got them in the closet. Not only that, I put other clothes away yesterday (are you ready for this?) AS THEY CAME OUT OF THE DRYER!!!! These are NOT baby steps folks. These are your old fashioned giant steps.
I am still trying to decide if I want to go to Nacogdoches this weekend or ask Mom and Dad to come up here. It would be fun if they came up, but it is always so relaxing at their house. I love sitting on their patio watching their birds. They have much better birds in Nac than we do here in Dallas.
Well, I must go so that I am not late for lunch. I may post again this afternoon since I didn't have time to get to all of the things I wanted to tell you thanks to a certain little cat who seems to think it is all about him.... Later!
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