
Pirate ship?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day Twenty - More Random Thoughts

Today should be a pretty decent day.  I'm not saying that I am going to get anything done, but it should at least be decent.  I'll be having lunch today with a friend who still works at TFE (The Former Employer in case you haven't been keeping up).  So it will be nice to catch up with her.  If no one asks what I marked off the task list from yesterday, I won't tell.  It's really sort of discouraging and I don't think any of us really want to go there.

So, last night was dinner club and as I mentioned yesterday it was in Frisco which had me a little worried.  Ok, I admit - I thought there was no way it could be a pleasant evening in Frisco.  I was so totally wrong.  Janet picked the location and could not have done a better job.  We ate at Platia Greek Kouzina on Gaylord Pkwy.  The food was outstanding and the atmosphere was wonderful.  Toward the end of our meal a family came in with two perfectly behaved children who sat quietly in their seats and ate.  Beyond that I don't know if there were any other kids in the restaurant.  But the place was packed all evening.  I brought enough food home to have another meal or two today.

You may notice that I am posting a little earlier today than I have been.  I have gotten into an ugly habit of staying up until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and then sleeping until nearly 10:00.  So, I'm trying to turn that around.  Although, I was up last night until after one, I made myself get up at eight this morning.  I'm hoping that this will make me very sleepy tonight so that I can turn this thing around.  If I don't it is really going to suck when I get a new job and have to start living by an alarm clock again.

I am thinking that this might be a perfect day to head out to the pool after lunch.  I think it is supposed to be around 90 degrees this afternoon.  So, maybe the pool water will warm up a bit.  Even if it doesn't, maybe it will be so hot that the cold pool water will feel good.

You may be interested to know that the guy in the white van with the shovel yesterday turned out to be a plumber.  Glad I didn't panic and call the police or anything.  That could have gotten a little embarrassing.  But in my defense, there was no "Acme Plumbing" sign on the side of the van and the guy was just wearing bluejeans and a tee shirt, no "Acme Plumbing" shirt.....  You would think that service guys who go from house to house like that would want to be identifiable so that they don't run into problems with crazy blog writers.

I am really not looking forward to this evening.  I am going to have to come up with a regular Thursday evening activity.  I have discovered that there is nothing on TV after 7:30 on Thursday nights and I don't really have anything saved up on the DVR.  So, around eight on Thursday nights I become terribly bored.  When I was working I don't think it was a big deal, because it gave me time to catch up on other stuff.  Now I suppose I could catch up on stuff that I haven't done off my task list, but who wants to do that?  I mean that would be like a few weeks ago if I came home on Thursday evening, ate supper, watched Big Bang Theory and then sat down to do some fun-filled reforecasting and analysis.  If I don't enjoy doing it during the day when I am supposed to be working, why would I want to do it in the evening when I am supposed to be relaxing.  I know what you are thinking....  Hey Susan.... how about you go to the gym on Thursday nights....  again, not fun!  Maybe I'll try Thursday evening bike rides.  That could be fun AND burn a calorie or two.  You will probably need to check back in tomorrow to see about my follow through on this one.  I really can't guarantee anything.

Well, I guess I better get busy.  I plan to take at least one thing off that pesky task list today and those sheets aren't going to change themselves.

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