from the tree....
A big shout out to Mary for going to the laundromat with me. We each washed a comforter and walked over to the Bruce Miller Nursery while they were in the dryers. It was actually kind of fun! Who knew going to the laundromat could be fun?
You will note the picture next to this text. It is my patio looking in from the gate. Shiner is, of course, sitting on the table. Otherwise, it would be practically impossible for him to be the center of attention. This picture was taken yesterday afternoon after I finished cleaning the patio. It is so nice now. I sat outside until 11:30 last night enjoying it. I do have to plant the flat of begonias today that are sitting next to Shiner. They have been sitting in that very spot for more than a month.... Again, my amazing ability as a truly great procrastinator is brought to light. I will post a few other pictures of the patio from different angles so that you can really appreciate the serenity.
Today is going to be a light day for me. I can think of other things that I need to do, like cleaning out the garage. But let's face it. I am not going to do it today. So why pretend? I think that when I finally work up the courage to do the garage, it is going to take several days to complete. So, I should start it on a Monday and just work until it is done. Either that, or I'll wait until I can find a husband and let him do it. I mean cleaning a garage is totally a husband job. You don't want to deprive the men of this world that pleasure they get when they start whining about how everybody is always throwing crap out in "their" garage. See, although I have never been married, I am completely familiar with this scenario since I did grew up with a Dad. And that is as much as I am going to say on that topic. Love ya Dad!
I have been threatening since Day One to spend time at the pool and have not made it out there yet. Today may be the day. I mean with this light workload, why not? Right? I think I will take the current trashy romance that I'm reading on the Nook out there, maybe some Crystal Light, the IPod loaded up with Jimmy Buffett and of course my float with the cup holder. This might be the best day yet. Eat your heart out Jenny!
For those of you who have been trying to comment on my blog with no luck, I have not given up trying to figure out why the comment thing doesn't work. It works when I try it..... If anybody has suggestions, let me know.
Jingle goes back to the vet today for his followup from having those teeth extracted. I am including a picture today of Jingle that I took yesterday afternoon. He is really looking quite handsome since the surgery and starting his new diet.
Well, time to get started on that dining room so that I can head out to the pool! Have a great day!
Susan, your keep up your blog. It reminds me of Shopaholic, except your don't shop. Minor detail.