
Pirate ship?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day One-Seventy-Five - The Cats are Running the Asylum

Jingle apparently got wind of my attempt to sell him yesterday.  He was a perfect cat last night.  This morning he is acting up a little again, but nothing like yesterday.  He is practically tolerable.  Don't get me wrong.  I understand that this is just a ploy to get me off my game.  But he is nearly pleasant right now and I will take what I can get.

I have a long To Do list today that starts with sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and dusting downstairs.  Ugh!  I know that it all has to be done and I will get it done.  But if I take a little longer than normal to get my blog posted this morning you might realize that it is an attempt to put off the housework for as long as possible.  Jingle doesn't want me to do it either.  I can tell by the unending meowing that he started just as I began this paragraph and didn't stop until just a few minutes ago when I followed him out into the garage.  When I got out there, he and Shiner jumped up on the car and were completely content.  I think that the meowing was Jingle saying.....  "Hey Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy, Momma, Mama, Ma, Mother, Mommy, Mom, Mom, Lois...."  Then when I finally gave in, he just wanted me to see that he could get on the car.  So, here is what I saw when I walk into the garage.

You see Shiner in the background, going "this wasn't my idea".  But there is Jingle right up front with his "See what I can do" expression.  As long as he is the center of attention, everything works out just fine for him.  It is when I give an ounce of attention to the computer that he gets pissy.

He just stormed off into the bedroom and is pouting now.  So, I should be able to get a lot done for the next few hours.  I love it when I win.  If he were a kid this would all be much easier, you know because he would be in school right now torturing a teacher instead of me.  I think that is the main reason I don't understand those people that home school their kids.  Why wouldn't you want to send them to someone else for several hours each day?  I would be all over that if I had two legged kids instead of these four legged ones.

I'm thinking about going to Nacogdoches this weekend since the Lumberjacks will be at home.  I've only been to one game this year and it was the SMU blowout.  I just wish a cold front would come in to give us some football weather.  It is hard to get into the idea of going to a game when it is going to be in the 90's when you get there on the last weekend of September.  As you realize by now, I hate cold weather.  But a football game when the temp won't drop below 85 before the final whistle is a bit extreme.

Well, I better get busy on this house while Jingle is chilling.  Sorry the blog is so boring today.  Not much going on here at Casa del Gato.  Have a good Wednesday.

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