
Pirate ship?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day One-Fifty-Three - "Cowboys Roots"

Last night I had another one of those late night thoughts about a topic for my blog.  So, I ran over to my computer desk and quickly wrote it down so that I wouldn't forget it this time.  This morning I came downstairs very confident knowing that I already had a topic to write about and I was pretty sure it would just write itself today.  I fed the cats, made the coffee, turned on the computer and read the topic that I wrote down last night.  In barely legible handwriting it says "Cowboys roots".  It is underlined rather emphatically.  I have no idea what this means.  If any of you know why I wrote this down late last night, could you please email me immediately?  I am horribly, horribly confused by it.

So, now not only do I not have a topic to write about prepared.  But I am also a little worried about my sanity.  Maybe I was wondering about the history of the Dallas Cowboys organization.  But why?  Maybe I was curious about the ancestry of some of the current Cowboys players.  Probably not.  Maybe I was curious about some real cowboys.....  Ummmm....  I can't even think of any real cowboys.  But perhaps that is what it was.  I don't have any idea what made me write this down.  But one thing is certain.  I need to write down better notes for myself if I am going to come up with ideas late at night.

I was watching a rerun of a TV show the other day in which a character was calling her cell phone from her home phone during the night and leaving voice mails for herself so that she wouldn't forget to do something the next day.  I suppose I could try that.  Knowing me I'd get the wrong number and then some person with one digit off of my cell phone number would be getting half awake calls saying things like "Cowboys roots" and then there would be a hang up.  I'd wake up the next morning prepared to listen to my messages and start a list of all the things I was going to accomplish during the day thanks to my extensive notes that would be in my voice mail and there would be nothing there.

Meanwhile some poor schmuck across the Metroplex would be wondering why they are continually awakened by some insane caller at 1 a.m. who shouts short meaningless Turrets Syndrome like phrases into the telephone and then hangs up.  Yeah, I'm thinking this isn't going to work for me.  I have to come up with another idea.  Maybe I already did one night recently and I wrote it down at 2 a.m. and I am still trying to figure out what in the hell it means.  I must tell you that "Cowboys roots" is going to plague me for a while. Probably in a few nights I'll wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden comprehension of what it means.  I'll get up and write it down and then the following morning I'll come downstairs and there will be a note sitting next to the computer that simply says "Tree base wearing western hat".

I'm giving up for today.  Have a happy holiday!  Perhaps I'll have a topic for tomorrow's entry but there is a slight chance that it will be meaningless.

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