
Pirate ship?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day One-Seventy-Four - Another Topic Clearing House

So many things on my mind.... so little time.....

First and foremost, when I turned on my computer today and got on line, Google suggested to me that I register to vote on line since the registration deadline is in 12 days.  I am not sure if I am still registered to vote so, I went ahead and did it.  People, it takes 5 minutes then you print it out and mail it in.  Super easy.  Do it today!  The only thing that makes me mad is that it requires no sort of ID.  They really should want to know if I am AT LEAST a real human before they will allow me to vote.  I'm not going to get into the hole illegal alien debate here.  But really.... Susan Meyers could be from Mars for all they know and once I mail this form in, I am a registered voter.  Weird!

I finished the Europe photobook yesterday and ordered it!  I know what you are thinking....  I didn't even know Susan went to Europe again!!!!  I didn't.  I just never did one 4 years ago when I went so it was past due and in case you were unaware, I have a little time on my hands these days.  I did a lot of work on it while I was sitting in the hospital a few weeks ago and Dad was sleeping.  I had already done a lot of work on it previous to that.  But I got a lot more done then.  Yesterday, I got a Shutterfly 40% discount email, so BAM!  Photobook finished and ordered!!!!  Woohoo!!!!!  It allowed me to post it on the blog.  So, if you get a chance in the next week or so, go back and look at it if you are interested.  I really like this one.  And if it inspires you to take a Mediterranean Cruise, wait a week or so to book it and give me a call before you do.  We might be able to work something out.  More to come.

Next topic - I have an appointment at 10 this morning to get ET serviced.  It is the big 10,000 for ET.  We are all pretty excited around here.  I hope he is in the top quartile in all the important areas of growth.  But I feel like I should sit back and take a moment just to enjoy him.  Kids grow up so fast these days.....  Let's all take a look at the little bugger on his first big trip, shall we?

What a cutie!  The hamsters are standing just out of the picture, Eileen.

Final topic before I got get dressed so that I can get ET to his appointment on time.....  Does anybody want a well used 12 year old Sable Burmese?????  I'll sell him cheap.  I think he may be broke though.  He won't shut up and is climbing on everything in the house and knocking stuff off of shelves to try to annoy me.  If you take him, you will probably have to accompany him to his litter box to watch because apparently it is something that he is proud of and you may occasionally have to sit with him in the car while he sleeps....  Oh and he likes it if you sing "Soft Kitty" to him.  (He watches entirely too much Big Bang Theory!)  I keep trying to tell him that "Soft Kitty" is only for when you are sick but he won't listen.

Gotta go.  Have a great Tuesday and wish ET luck on his check up!!!!!

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